Thirty Five: Obvious

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[Name] nearly jumped in surprise. She quickly turned her head towards Oikawa only to become even more embarrassed. She hadn't realised how close to her the boy was kneeling and the two ended up with their faces separated just by a small gap. Their noses touched lightly and the moment [Name] felt Oikawa's locks brushing against her cheeks, a shiver went down her spine. As she caught an eye contact with the boy, her heart clenched and she immediately turned her head to the side. This awkward situation lasted for just a moment but it was enough for [Name] and Oikawa's heart to incredibly speed up.

"I-I wasn't spying on you or anything", the girl coughed up after a while, still locking her eyes on the ground.

Oikawa was also looking on the side, trying to cover his blush with the fringe.

"I believe you", he replied.

"But I happened to see...", [Name] hesitated. "The situation".

Oikawa slowly looked up, surprised by the girl's unsure voice. As he peeked at her from the corer of his eye, he noticed her deperate attempts of hiding her face by a hand.

"Was this a confession?", the girl asked quietly. "What did you reply?"

She was waiting for an answer but it wasn't coming. Suddenly, she felt her wrist being grabbed and as she looked up she saw a teasing expression on Oikawa's face.

The boy slowly put her hand down, uncovering her rosy cheeks and eyes filled with confusion.

"And what would you like me to reply?", he answered with a question and slightly lowered his voice which made her tremble once again.

"H-Huh?", she coughed up, surprised. "Would you like me to get a girlfriend?", Oikawa explained, amplifying his sly tone.

The girl replied almost automatically.


Only after saying that she realised how strange it must have sounded. She wanted to correct herself but Oikawa was faster.

"I see, then my response would satisfy you. I said I already had a lovely girlfriend who would get mad for flirting with other girls", he said with a smirk.

He relished teasing her like this from time to time. Her reactions were always a pleasure to watch. And seeing her blushing was making his heart pound like mad.

"I mean it's not like I don't want you to have a girlfriend", the girl mumbled. "It's just that if you had one, you would probably leave me behind and that would be painful", she said and lowered her head.

"Just like you tried to do with me", Oikawa noticed and the girl shrieked.

"I'm sorry", she whispered, guiltiness overflowing her.

"Well, i understand you had reasons for doing this", the boy said with a smile.

And I don't mean only the fear of being hurt, he added in his thoughts.

"But I still feel guilty for being considered your girlfriend and stopping you from having a real one", [Name] moved her eyes on the ground.

"You shouldn't. I'm the one who started this after all. And I'm not interested in any of the girls who confess to me", Oikawa replied confidently.

The girl didn't seem convinced.

"But how can you know that this girl wasn't the love of your life?", she asked.

"How can you know that Tobio-chan wasn't the love of your life?", Oikawa replied. "You also rejected him".

"But it's Kageyama-kun we're talking about. I can't imagine him focusing on anything else than volleyball", [Name] replied. "He is a really amazing setter, though", she added.

"Yeah", Oikawa's voice was different that just a while ago.

When the girl turned her head towards him, she saw a clear pout on his face.

"A real genius", she continued, observing Oikawa's reactions closely.

His face became even grimmer, but he didn't reply.

"A prodigy probably able to defeat Ushiwaka", she said and saw Oikawa's fists clenching.

"That's what I thought", she smiled after a moment of silence.

Oikawa looked up at her with questioning expression on his face.

"You're afraid of them, aren't you?"

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