Fourteen: Yet

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Oikawa's lips pushed against [Name]'s. The sound of Oikawa's bottle dropping on the floor clashed through the gymnasium, but nobody moved their eyes away from the volleyball club's captain and the unknown girl.

[Name] had no time to react. She widened her eyes in shock, feeling her cheeks getting progressively red. But it seemed that she was too astonished to make some clear response. Instead, she just clenched her fists, trying hard not to collapse under the pressure of Oikawa's body. The boy cupped her cheek with his bony hand, and closed his eyes, pressing harder on [Name]'s fragile figure.

Meanwhile, Hanamaki and Matsukawa barely resisted the urge to clap their hands, while Iwaizumi was sending his best friend a grim look of disapproval. The rest of the team was rather confused seeing Oikawa making such upfront actions publically and with a girl nobody knew, to boot.

After a moment, the chocolate haired boy pulled back with a light smile on his face. He looked [Name] in the eyes and a small blush grew on his cheeks as he saw her embarrassed expression.

"I'm happy that you came, [Name]-chan", he said, unnaturally loudly.

[Name] wanted to say something, but the only sound she could make was a quiet yelp. She lifted her shoulders, and, without taking her eyes off Oikawa, she took a wobbling step back. The bottle, which she had dropped, was still rolling on the floor, creating a deaf sound. [Name] moved her eyes on it, and then on the rest of the team, who was still gazing at her inquiringly. Realising that she was being observed, she made a quiet squeal and turned towards the exit. Not waiting for Oikawa to stop her, she ran out of the gymnasium.

"I see you're taking this bet seriously", Hanamaki's whisper stopped Oikawa from actually running out after the girl.

The boy turned to his friend with flighty expression on his face, which soon changed into a wide smirk.

"Of course I do! I won't lose to some peasants like you", he replied jokingly and peeked on the balcony where the two second years were standing, red on their faces.

Just how he planned. They would never doubt his relationship with [Name] again. He smiled, complacent, and bent to lift the bottle from the floor.

Straightening up, he nearly jumped in surprise, seeing Iwaizumi's pissed off face right in front of his. He jolted and moved his eyes on the side.

"A-Ah, Iwa-chan, my good sir...", he laughed nervously. He could swear that flames appeared behind Iwaizumi.

"You went too far", his friend announced, alarmingly calmly.

Oikawa knew that this voice meant that Iwaizumi was more than furious.

"I-It was just to show... The girls on the balcony... They didn't belive...", he stumbled, afraid to look his friend in the eyes.

"They didn't believe in what?", Iwaizumi snapped his knuckles.

"That [Name] is my girlfriend", Oikawa fessed up, ready to receive a punch on his face.

"Oh, so you told everybody that she is your girlfriend now?", the boy growled. "You're really a trash", he added.

"Otherwise they would hassle her!", Oikawa retracted.

"They hassle her either way as you see!", Iwaizumi shouted back. "You said that you won't hurt her, you idiot".

"But I didn't", the chocolate haired boy pouted.

"Yet", Iwaizumi sighed and turned back, hearing the whistle signalising the end of the break.

Bet (Oikawa Tooru x Reader) Haikyuu!!Where stories live. Discover now