Forty Seven: Mess

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The captain of Aoba Johsai's volleyball team came to school surprisingly early. There was still plenty of time before the start of the morning practice, but the chocolate haired boy was already heading towards the changing room, cheerfully humming under his breath. All of his overflowing energy was coming from the memory of his Saturday's studying session with [Name].

Well, he called it a studying session, but in reality it ended up on something slightly different.

Though he spent the Sunday without seeing the girl, he couldn't help but think about her and how much he wanted to see her and touch her once again. How he wanted to have more of her just for himself. Even today the vision of seeing [Name] at school was the only thing which was going through his head. Since the morning practices were starting long before the first lesson, the girl was coming only to Oikawa's evening practices, so he had to wait just a little bit longer to see her.

"I can't expect her to come this early just to watch me play", Oikawa sighed and opened the changing room's door.

He was in the middle of changing into his sports shirt when the door opened once again. The boy turned around to see Hanamaki and Matsukawa standing in them.

"Hi!", Oikawa greeted them with a little more cheerful voice than he had planned. It seemed that the boost of energy affected also the way he spoke.

The two third-years looked at him with surprised expressions on their faces, which quickly changed into suspicious smiled.

"So? How was your date with [Name]?", Hanamaki asked, closing the changing room's door.

Oikawa smiled widely.

"Awesome", he replied.

"Hm? Is this the reason why you're so happy?", his friend inquired.

"There's more to it", the chocolate haired boy answered. "I guess you can say that we're officially together", he explained with satisfaction.

To his surprise, the two boys weren't disappointed that they had lost the bet. They both smiled and gave him a strong tap on his back.

"It's nice to see that our captain has finally got himself a real girlfriend", Matsukawa said.

"You guys...", Oikawa was shocked. He was sure that his friends came up with this bet simply out of boredom. He would have never thought that they actually wanted him to truly fall in love. "You're not as bad as I thought".

"Well, you're still an asshole", Hanamaki furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance. "We can't help it. A bet is a bet and you won. You were able to make some randomly chosen girl fall in love with you. As much as it pisses me off, we have to stick to our promise and buy you this idiotic milk bread of yours".

The practice finished sooner than usually. Immediately after the last whistle, Oikawa hurried towards the changing room and after putting on his school uniform, he headed towards [Name]'s classroom. He wanted to see her before the start of the lessons, but when he arrived at where she was having her first class, she wasn't there.

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