Twenty Four: Confusion

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The lesson had finished. [Name] was leaning on the wall in the toilet's cabin. This was the only place where she could be alone and collect her thoughts. She put her shaking hand on her heart and felt it beating soundly. Her breath was short from running, her cheeks flushed. She still had this tingling feeling inside her stomach, but it was slowly fading away. However, it was coming back as soon as she recalled the scene on the roof.

This was supposed to be a fun game, why did it end up like this?

Why did they almost...?

[Name] gritted her teeth, remembering the blushing face of the boy, his finger smoothly stroking her lips.

Did they almost kiss?

The amount of feelings filling her chest right now was uncountable, it was hard to distinguish at least one of them. They formed an indistinct mass, which couldn't be described with any words, but it surely was there, weighing on the girl's chest like a pile of stones.

She slowly closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm down.

It's okay, I just broke the habit of experiencing much emotions when being around others. It was just too much to take at one time.

She decided to approach what happened clinically.

First of all, why didn't she react?

Surprise, for sure. Who would expect something like this, after all.

Next, why did Oikawa do it?

This was a harder question. She couldn't possibly know what was going through Oikawa's head, but she could guess that it wasn't anything important to him. It was probably just a part of his teasing game. She shouldn't take it seriously.

Explaining this to herself, [Name] felt a little bit better. The more she thought about it, the more probable this explanation was.

She unlocked the cabin and stepped towards the sink. She quickly splashed her red face with some cold water and went out of the toilet.

When the last bell rang, [Name] headed towards the gymnasium where volleyball club was about to have a practice. She was a few steps away from the entrance to the hall, when somebody's voice stopped her. She didn't notice anyone around, so it scared her to the point where she nearly jumped in surprise.

"[Name]-san, was it?", a tall boy with hair resembling a turnip was standing behind her, visibly confused by the fact that he may have been the reason for her shock.

"Y-Yes", the girl laughed nervously, trying to hide her anxiety behind a fake smile.

"So... Um...", the boy was looking for some proper words. "You're Oikawa-san's girlfriend?", he asked.

[Name] widened her eyes, still not used to being called somebody's girlfriend.

"I-I guess so", she replied awkwardly, avoiding the boy's questioning look.

"I see", the boy smiled awry, a light blush flowing onto his cheeks. "The captain is surely a lucky guy", he mumbled under his breath.

Before [Name] could answer, somebody's arm wrapped around her shoulders. She didn't have time to look up and check who it was. Suddenly, she felt a light stroke of a brown lock on her cheek and when she turned her head to the side she saw Oikawa bending from behind her. Next to him was standing Iwaizumi with frown on his face, who was observing the situation from the side. You yelped and shivered, immediately recalling the scene from the roof. Your heart speeded up once again, your cheeks went red.

"I see you're trying to steal my girl when I'm not around, Kindaichi", Oikawa pouted jokingly. "Such a pick up line from you, I wouldn't guess", he continued teasing the boy whose face was getting progressively red.

"It was just-", he wanted to explain himself, but Oikawa cut him off with a laugh.

"Just kidding, get ready for the practice", he said and Kindaichi ran off to the changing room, flustered. Oikawa let go of you and looked at you with a smile. "I see you're in demand, I have to be more alert", he joked before heading towards the changing room and leaving blushing [Name] behind.

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