Thirty One: Friend

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"Oikawa-san...", [Name] coughed up, moving her head to the side.

The boy closed the door behind him and forced a smile.

"I knew I'd find you here, [Name]-chan", he hummed, taking a step towards the girl.

[Name] clenched her fists nervously but she quickly hid them behind her back.

"I thought you finished your practice some time ago", she mumbled to the ground.

"I waited to make sure we would be alone", the boy replied straightforwardly which nearly made [Name] gasp. Last time they were alone was probably on the roof, during that game when Oikawa touched her lips.

The girl tightened her eyes as the memory overflew her mind.

"Someone's blushing", she heard Oikawa's slightly teasing voice. She opened her eyes and put her hands on her cheeks. They really were warm.

"It's not-", she started but was cut off by the boy.

"You can finally tell me what's happened", his voice was serious, but also confused.

[Name] lowered her eyes on the ground.

"I told you it's not about you", she whispered.

Oikawa furrowed his eyebrows and took several steps forward. The girl wanted to move back but the table stopped her.

"I don't care, you promised to open up to me!", he said, grasping her hand.

"Why are you so stubborn?!", she didn't understand. "You have lots of friends, why would you care about me?"

"You're more than a friend!", Oikawa exclaimed. Only after saying that, he realised how it sounded.

For a moment, [Name] was silently gazing at him with widely opened eyes.

"What do you mean?", she finally asked.

The boy looked on the side, barely holding the blush in.

"W-Well you're the first person except for Iwa-chan who understands how important volleyball is to me", he said.

As he didn't hear any answer, he slowly moved his eyes on the girl. He nearly jumped in surprise seeing her face. She was covering her eyes with her hands but the boy could clearly see that she was crying.

"Y-You're making it harder", she whined.

Oikawa couldn't resist. He embraced the girl and pressed her teary face to his chest. In his arms she felt even more fragile and small. His own heart was aching when he felt how much her body was shaking.

"I don't want to be hurt once again", she cried, "but I just can't ignore you".

"[Name], I promised I won't hurt you", Oikawa replied.

The girl didn't answer.

They were standing in this position for quite a while, until [Name] calmed down. When she looked up at the boy who was still holding her tightly, she wasn't crying anymore but her eyes were swollen. This time Oikawa couldn't stop himself. Slowly, he stretched his hand and put it on the girl's warm cheek. She was too surprised to react. Her heart was beating madly. Even if she waisted to say something, her clenched throat wouldn't let her do it. The boy had to fight himself not to kiss her, and her messy face didn't help him. For a moment they were staring into each other's eyes, when a loud sound of the door opening made them jump.

"Hey lovers, we're closing", in the door was standing one of the teachers responsible for closing the school. Not waiting for answer, he left them alone.

Both of them were standing petrified and feeling their cheeks grow red.

[Name] and Oikawa were sitting on the swings at the playground next to their school. It was already late evening but both of them got a feeling that something was still left unsaid, so they decided to sit somewhere for a little longer. Finally Oikawa spoke up.

"[Name], please tell me about you friend from primary school".

The girl didn't reply immediately. She peeked at Oikawa with a hesitant expression on her face. In the end, she sighed.

She wouldn't be able to hide it forever, after all.

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