Just a phase.

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"Yes, I'll have to admit that the sight was quite hilarious. But I'm still very concerned." The king spoke calmly, before propping his elbow on his throne's golden arms.
"I think you owe my son a great apology."

"Me? Apologize to him? No way. I'm not going to apologize until he sets me free." You replied back to the king before crossing your arms.

"I'm not setting you free" Jimin immediately stepped in. He was standing right beside you with his hands clasped behind his back while pouting like a little kid. But don't you worry- he had his top back on this time. That beautiful, noir jacket with those glamorous silvery patterns that covered up his silky, black shirt. And let's also mention the delicate-looking ruffles around his neck, giving him a posh-yet-innocent vibe.

"Right, enough." The queen glared at the two of you. "You two are grown up. And also, we are a royal family, Y/N. We can do as we please. So if we tell you to do something, you must obey. Stop being disrespectful." She hissed furiously.

Your eyes widened at the sudden words that came out of the queen's mouth. You thought that she was nice and kind.
...Until now.

"Mom!" Jimin spat through gritted teeth before he let his hands hang by his sides, his cute hands forming into tight fists.

The king let out an annoyed groan. "Unfortunately, Jimin. Your mother is right... "

"Well she could've said it in a nicer way." The blonde man crossed his arms before tapping his foot on the ground, impatiently.

"Anyway." The man on the throne sighed. "Jimin, you're going to marry the girl you have picked if that's what you wish. I'm not going through hours of choosing one other female again. End of discussion." The king's tone was demanding and rough. Enough to intimidate you.

"And you also have the right to remain silent, Y/N." The queen said.

And before you even knew it, the prince linked arms with you and kissed you on the cheek. "See? I knew we are meant to be." He giggled sweetly.

Now? You couldn't speak. So all you could do, was to let the prince do whatever he wishes to do with you. There's no point in trying to escape anymore. You're trapped. And you can't escape this nightmare.


"Ah, I'm so happy." The blonde-haired man said, wrapping his strong arms around your waist.

You were locked inside his room.
The both of you were standing in the middle of the bedroom. You didn't even dare hug him back. He's a selfish jerk who doesn't care about your feelings. But a little question popped inside your head.

"Why do you want to keep me so badly?" You asked quietly and softly.

"Oh, but there are many reasons, honey." He said before pulling away from the hug, looking at your stunning face. "You're different and honest. This is my main reason. I feel like I can truly trust you. I love everything about you." The corners of his thick lips formed a smile of his angelic, facial features.

"Right... " you mumble, unhappy with his response.

''I know you want to go,'' He begins to speak again, moving his thick lips as his mellow and melodic voice spills out from his vocal chords. ''And i know you'll be unhappy. But i can make you want to stay. All you have to do is listen to me and do what i tell you to do.'' The corners from his lips formed a sweet smile; one you can't forget, no matter how much you hate him.

''But that just makes me want to go against you even more. I don't like being told what to do.'' You furrow your brows, a frown making way on your pretty face. Jimin hums in agreement to your little comment, understanding where you're coming from. But all he does, is sigh in reply.

''No one likes being told what to do, Y/N.'' He pulls away from the hug and slowly turns around, making his way over to his incredibly big and comfy bed. He sits down on it, causing a dip on the mattress caused by his weight. ''But you must understand that if you want things to work out, then you have to co-operate.''

While he speaks, you can't help but dramatically roll your eyes at him. ''And what if i won't co-operate?'' You ask with a tisk, crossing your arms over your chest.

''Then i'm afraid you'll have to be locked up into the castle. I can't risk to; let's say, 'let you go for a walk' and then later on, i find out that you've gone missing and i can't find you afterwards.'' The blonde man runs a hand through his shiny, fine hair with one of his delicate hands.

''Hmph. Pathetic.'' You reply hoarsely, even more unhappy with the consequences. He won't even let you go out for a little walk or take a breath of air? How stupid.

The prince shrugs at your angered response. ''I'm sorry, but i can't risk it. And also, because you've destroyed you room, you must sleep here in my bedroom. All of the other rooms in the castle are unavailable as some are being fixed and most of the other ones are being used by the maids and servants.''

And right when those words spill out from his mouth like a falling, never-ending cascade, your jaw drops and your eyes go as wide as plates. You can't believe you have to sleep here. The bear's cave.
''W-'' You cut yourself off, immediately slapping one of your cheeks afterwords.

''Honey, don't do that. You'll hurt yourself-''

''thAT'S WHAT I WANTED TO DO ANYWAY!'' You scream, immediately cutting off the confused male that was sitting on his incredibly comfy bed. ''I can't sleep here! This is a bigger nightmare than i thought it would be!'' Your hands immediately reach over to your hair, pulling it down and up, and left and right; in all the possible directions.

Jimin narrows his beautiful, shimmery eyes at you, watching you go bananas. He's not very impressed with your rude attitude, but he still can't help to smile at you. ''You're funny when you're angry. Don't worry though, you'll soon agree to it. It's just a phase you're going through right now.'' He giggled sweetly.

Just a phase.

jUsT a PhAsE!?

That's it. You're going bonkers again.

Funny how the very last thing Jimin would get to see in his life would be the utterly terrifying beast called Y/N who opened her mouth as wide as possible, letting a very high scream spill out from her vocal chords, before she immediately leaped on him, and started to pull and rip his hair out.

And let's not mention the guards who have immediately barged inside the bedroom at the sound of the scream. Because honestly, Jin was too fed up and Namjoon couldn't even give the other guards any orders as he was too shocked by the girl.

Oh and there's Hoseok in the background who was staring blankly at Namjoon waiting for him to do something.

Yet, he still didn't find that damn helmet to this day.



*rolls eyes* hoseok and that damn helmet, i swear to god. >.> *sighs & places pen back on the desk*

o waIT-

*turns around to face u & pushes desk somewhere*


Hoyaaa c;;

Sorry it took so long for me to update this story. I'm so sorry. I just ran out of inspiration for a short while, but... You know. Now i'm back. c:

Happy new year by the way, and i hope that everyone will have a very jolly day! ^0^

~Bubbaiiii love you c;

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