Falling In Love.

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He walked away.

After staring so intensively at you- making you feel like some sort of terrorist which bombed the whole planet- Jungkook didn't utter a single word and just walked past you. He looked casual and calm, with his hands kept in the pockets of his trousers as he made his way to Namjoon and Taehyung.

As you peaked from around the corner, the blonde prince slowly stepped out of Joon's bedroom and stared the maknae down. Jungkook suddenly glanced behind him for a short second, then looked back at Tae who was crying in Namjoon's arms.

Life flashed before your eyes when witnessing the prince's stare, which pierced through your peaking eyes from the distance. Before you knew it, he was fast to swiftly make his way towards you. Gasping quietly, you hide behind the corner of the wall and remain silent, focusing on the sound of your heart which was beating against your rib cage harshly with nervousness.

You heard light steps getting closer.

Then there he was, finally reaching your corner and staring you down like you're dead meat. "Follow me." Jimin murmured quietly, voice oddly calm and smooth as he gestured with his index finger for you to follow along. Turning around, he begins walking in a completely different direction, away from the group of three men where two were trying to calm down one.

You had to comply. There was no other option. You couldn't just run away after breaking someone's heart.


The royal bedroom.

Jimin led you to his room.

Oh, joy.

He held one of the heavy doors open and observed you momentarily, waiting for you to step inside first. Looking down without making any eye contact, you tuck a strand of your hair behind a ear and obediently enter the room.

Once you were in, Jimin shut the door behind you and walked over to the king-sized bed. "Sit." He commanded bluntly and gently pat the space beside him, watching your every move. Nodding slowly, you sit down beside him and finally gather enough courage to look into his chocolatey brown eyes that sparkled gorgeously as any hint of light reflected upon them.

"...why?" He begins softly, voice faint and hurt. "Why do you dislike us so much? I know we rushed things and forced you to do everything you didn't wanna do... But do you hate us? Is that why you also destroyed Taehyung's picture? Is it a threat of some sort?"

Fucking fire.

Straight to the point, huh?

Blinking with confusion as you stare at the handsome prince, you begin to try processing his questions before answering. But he doesn't let you. He continues. "I'm sorry I forced you to marry me. I've just happened to see you around the kingdom many times and you simply peaked my interest. I've talked to the queen and king... "

Your breaths heavied as you listened to him, as if your lungs began hurting from breathing. Biting your bottom lip with worry and stress, you scoot a little bit closer to him on the mattress and frown. He doesn't move though and his expression remains the same. Blank. "They said... If you take it too far again... We will have no choice but to kick you out of the castle. We'll let you go."

The words which spilled so softly and carefully from his plump lips were like a trigger which stabbed you in the heart. You've only been here for a few days and your attempts of getting out of the castle seemed to work... But now you didn't want to get out of here like this. You didn't want to be seen as a bitch to the royal family.

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