Arnold the Glorious.

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A/N 'tis a double update, doughnut (hah puns) miss the last chapter I've uploaded u mugs;)

He was getting on that giant horse.

He is on that giant horse.

Short, heavy breaths escape from his lungs as if he's slowly running out of air. He doesn't even need to be able to scream, because his eyes are enough to tell that he hated this situation. He's literally about to cry.

The horse is so tall and Hoseok looks quite small when he's on his back. Arnold is his name, which amuses you because this is one fancy name for one big horse. He looks so calm and lovely, yet Hoseok is just scared for his own safety because he doesn't want to fall. But even when he's a little scaredy cat, he still looks graceful and divine in that armour.

"Okay," Says the prince before he gently kicks the sides of his horse's stomach with his feet as a signal for her. The white mare starts moving forward, walking closer to the incredibly tall stallion Hoseok is riding. "I'll lead you and Arnold to the practice area. There are a few guards practicing already. I'm sure you'll enjoy it."

Enjoy my ass! - no wait that sounds wrong.

Enjoy nothing! Hoseok thought to himself. *slightly better*

"He doesn't look like he approves." You comment causally, shrugging your shoulders before leaning forward to wrap your arms around your horse's neck. It's very fun riding such a tall horse- well at least that's what you think- you get quite the experience. And your experience is getting to see a grown man freaking out around horses, even when he's supposed to be serious and tough.

...What an adventure.

''It doesn't matter.'' Jimin laughs cutely, turning his attention to you. ''He has to do it. He doesn't have a choice.'' Smiling sweetly, he leans forward to hug the neck of his mare too. He buries his face in her mane, nuzzling her with love and care. While you and Jimin are hugging your horses, the guard is just staring at you two like you're crazy.

''If i were him, i'd be unhappy too, because i'd get forced to spend a day with you.'' You comment teasingly, looking at the blonde with a smirk on your face.

He moved his head so now he can see you, instead of the white hairs of his horse. The man scoffs and rolls his eyes, trying to look casual and play it off cool, even when he secretly got hurt by your fiery comment. ''You're already forced to spend a day with me. Soon enough, you'll also be forced to spend the rest of your life with me, so who's the real winner here?''

You push your bottom lip out and pout, before sticking your tongue out at him jokingly. "Well who said you'd have to force me, hm? So in reality, who's the real winner here? Me." Your lips form a proud and sassy smile on your face after you speak, knowing that you've already won his games.

But to your surprise, he remains shocked. He's staring at you with a blank face but in those brown eyes, you can see that he is shocked. You can see...

That you fucked up.

-"Soon enough, you'll also be forced to spend the rest of your life with me..."

-"Well who said you'd have to force me, hm?"

These words echo through your mind repeatedly, making you feel like you're sinking into a giant pool of embarrassment. With cheeks flushed red and the most regretful looking expression plastered on that damn face of yours, you quickly stick your hand out in his direction as a stop sign.

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