Memory Fragments.

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He remembers that day like clear glass.

Birds happily chirping, singing their daylight songs as a gentle breeze of wind flows around. Kids run around and giggle, laugh or scream their heads off like little maniacs. The central park has always been busy. It was new and just opened two months ago after the king, Bang Si-Hyuk was done with decorating and repairing it.

Jimin sat on a bench in a more secret area of the park. He quietly hummed a little tune to himself as his legs gently swinged at the edge, feet far off from touching the ground. He raked his black hair back, arranging it neatly as he kept an eye on his friends who played around.

"Yah! Behold!~" Jungkook holds up a wooden sword and positions himself in a threatening manner, evil smirk plastered on his face. "I, Sir Jeon Jungkook De la... Rosa Ramirez... The fifth? I'mma slay the big bad dragon and save... The princess! Rawr~" The little boy then pointed his wooden sword at a mini Yoongi who was being hugged by a very clingy Jin.

"Wait, who's the princess?" Asks the older boy with dark hair, arranging his round glasses on the bridge of his nose with a hand as his other one was wrapped around Yoongi, who tried to get out of his grip.

" 'Tis you, ye duck!" Yoongs spits out furiously and struggles in his friend's super tight grip.

"But technically, Jin can' be the princess," Another boy begins speaking as he walks over to Jimin's bench and sits beside him. "He's a guy. Guys can' be princesses. It just doesn' make sense."

"Awww, come on!" Jungkook rolls his eyes and groans annoyingly, his little soft lips forming a cute puppy pout. "We didn' ask for you to ruin the game with your brain, Joonie. Plus, there aren' any girls. And hyung is really handsome. He'd do a good princess." Explained the youngster as he walked over to the tall smart boy with black hair. "I'm bored... Do you have any game ideas? Do you, Joonie? You're always smart, you can come up with good things, mhm?"

Placing his wooden sword on the taller bench beside his older friend, the boy with bowlcut raven hair places his tiny hands on Namjoon's lap and blinks adorably, long lashes almost touching his cheeks as his big shimmery, black eyes stare into his friend's.

"Hmmm... What about tag? You run and someone catches you?" Namjoon suggested, a cute smile that showed off his dimples forming on his young, cutely rounded face.

"Okay! Yoongs, come play tag with me!" Kookie chirped happily before moving away and quickly running over to Yoongi.

"Why? Why me? Why can I never be left alone? Why!?" The young boy cries out with despair, the back of his hand dramatically resting against his forehead as if he was about to faint.

"Maybe you're just special, aren' you, hyung?" Another new voice joined them in, and the boys near the bench soon saw another girl and boy approaching them.

Gasping cutely, Jungkook places his hands on his own squishy cheeks and batters his eyelashes. "Taetae!~" He sings out with joy, quickly running over to his friend with brown locks, pulling him into a tight hug.

Taehyung giggles and wraps his arms around Jungkook's tiny waist, hugging him back with all of the force in the world. "Hello~" He purrs out, a boxy smile spreading on his face.

Grinning, Kookie then directs his gaze to a blonde little girl beside Tae and pulls away from the hug. "Hello, Angel." The boy greets her shyly, his cheeks flushing red as he slowly backs away.

"Hi, Jungkookie." She gives him a cute wave back and a beautiful smile, which instantly melts the youngster's heart. Her pretty blue eyes then land on the prince who slowly approached her, and bowed politely before her.

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