The Phoenix Border.

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Warning: This chapter is a warm-up for the next chapter which will be incredibly hectic. Author-nim has incredibly evil plans in mind and she's scared of herself. That means it's gonna be REALLY bad. I'm not even kidding. I'm so fucking serious. Please be prepared.

Small flashback summary:

Chapter: Feelings
You immediately snap your head in the direction of a panting voice, looking at the doorway where Jungkook placed a hand on the border. His chest rose and fell heavily, puffy cheeks flushed the colour of red, while his other free arm was wrapped around his waist, holding it tightly as he tried to catch his breath.

Jimin stared at the maknae with wide eyes, observing his desperate-looking state closely as he tried to find any type of evidence of what was going on. Jungkook looked too bothered and worried to ignore him, but both you and the prince kept your silence as you let him regain his breath.

Then, the man with ebony hair parts his lips and he begins speaking.

"Listen to- LISTEN to me. This isn't a prank. We NEED to find him. He... He got kidnapped by rebels... Please... Please!"


Chapter: Traces and Rebels

-"We've got everything packed?"

-"Yes sir!"

Jesus Christiano- Jimin legit got a QUARTER of his ENTIRE army to go in search for Hoseok, including the main guards whom you've already met.

"Yes. It's better to find him quickly. Not only does he bring great benefits to my kingdom, but there are high chances he might die."

-"What if he's already dead?"

-"Impossible. They just stole him less than three hours ago. They couldn't have gone that far with him, plus, they'll have to use him for something before killing him. Otherwise, why would they even attempt kidnapping him? Hm?"


Looking at the crowd which was gathered outside the gates, you finally get the courage to make eye contact with them. They were like a sheep herd, sticking by each other's side at all costs. Some faces were dirty and wore badly made clothes, but some were dressed up elegantly. Others were in between. No matter how high or low their classes were, they all had something in common.



"What did you find?" Yoongi came up, making his palomino horse stop right beside Jungkook's gipsy black equine. They all just watched Namjoon, and they couldn't really see what he was doing. His back was turned on them, horse facing away from the rest. It all went into silence, and they looked weirdly at their leader as he seemed to examine something.

He didn't even need to turn around in fact. Namjoon just held one of his hands out on his left, revealing a piece of orange material that splayed on his palm carefully, sides hanging low off the edges of his hand. The piece of cloth looked to be silky smooth, sawn carefully as if it was made for a king. You could never find such nicely made material unless you went into a rich man's home.

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