Chances, chances and chances.

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"Okay, yes. I'll admit it, maybe I did go a tinnnyyyy bit too far." You said, a very awkward smile crossing your features. Yes, now you were stuck in the throne room again. But this time, it was just you, the king, and two other guards. You don't remember their names. But basically, one has that stunning, golden cape and the other one has a pink cape.

"Just a tiny bit?" The king raised an eyebrow as he stared at you, looking unimpressed. He sat awkwardly on his throne, fiddling with the delicate-looking, black ruffles around his neck. "You know, I'm pretty sure you'd be angrier if someone would rip your hair off, rather than getting punched in the face. I mean, you could've at least done that instead of pulling his hair out." The man said casually, looking like he couldn't even bother you anymore.

Well... In a way, he was right about that. You'd be much angrier having your hair pulled out. Getting punched was so much more convenient. You'd rather be left without a few teeth than having your hair pulled out. Because if your hair looks bad, then the whole you looks bad. That's what you like to think.

"Yes, okay... Maybe I took it too far again." You sigh, before clasping your hands behind your back. "A lot." You murmured, your embarrassed smile turning into a look that clearly said 'sorry'. But the king didn't even really care as long as his son was happy. He just rolled his eyes, and looked at his fancy watch on his wrist.

"Right. Well, as long as you apologize to him later for hurting his precious, holy hair... " said the man in a very calm tone. "Then I guess that's fine. You can go now- not home! But you can go and have a tour around the castle. Jin and Jungkook will show you around. And if you think you'll find ways to escape, then you're wrong. We've secured everything pretty well."

Before you could even get to those thoughts, the king was already stating them. You stared blankly at him, like he somehow managed to read thoughts that you didn't even manage to think of just yet. This guy met you only for a short period of time, yet he knows you better than you know yourself. How does one do that!?

"Oh... Okay. Well... Goodbye then. I'll eh... Yeah." You suspiciously narrow your eyes at him, as you take a few steps back. "Okay... " Your tone gets a bit quieter, almost sounding like a whisper. You were very suspicious of him... It's like he knew you. It's like he was you.

"I erm... " the king coughed awkwardly. "I've eh... Been through your situation before." He said uncertainly, starting to whistle a little tune, awkwardly. "I've umm... I used to hate my wife. Although I love her now. She's great! She's hilarious too. Savage, but hilarious."

Savage...? Wow, the king is... He's cool.

"You don't hate Jimin," The king begins to say, his tone getting softer. "But you feel like you need to hate him for forcing you to marry him. He really likes you. I think you should try to give him a chance."

You stood still, staring at the king as he spoke, surprised by his words. He is right, as much as you hate to admit this. You actually don't hate him, but you feel like you need to.

"I think that behind this tough and crazy image you have, you're actually kind. And you aren't just kind," a little smile made way on his face. "But you're very pretty too. You have this free spirit within inside of you, and that's rare to find. You're brave and you fight for what you have and what you want. It's just what we need within our royal family."

Maybe the king is right about that too, but you still don't want to marry Jimin. Sure, he might be a striking and fine gentleman who is sweeter than strawberries dipped in sugar and melted chocolate, but forcing you to marry him isn't the best way to go about it. You still believe that, and you are going to try to do everything within your powers to make him understand this. If he'd like you to be with him, then he must give you time and allow you to get to know him more.

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