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Park Jimin was sat at his desk, right at the very back of his classroom, wiping his tears with his school jackets sleeve. He dint know why he was crying like this, he didn't know why he was so sensitive but he couldn't do anything about it. Even though Jimin was the only one in the room, he still tried to keep his sobbing at a low volume as he was most certainly not looking for attention right now. His best friend was probably looking for him right now, however Jimin just wanted to be alone so he can cry his heart out and then be over with it.

Unfortunately, his alone time was ruined. Ruined when a classmate with small, skinny frame, black hair and pale skin came bursting through the door. By the way the door crashed against the wall as the student stepped through, anyone could guess they were annoyed.

Jimin scrambled to turn his head and quickly wipe any evidence away from his face that he was crying. He definitely didn't want to be seen crying in front of his classmates, Jimin didn't want to seem weak. He wished he had more time to prepare for someone interrupting like that.

Before the boy had even got any further away from the door, he almost flinched when seeing Jimin sitting alone at his desk by himself, it was like he hadn't seen him there. The student made a small 'oh' only just loud enough for Jimin to hear. Jimin brings his arm up on his desk and leans his head on his hand, blocking his classmate from seeing his puffed up and blotchy face.

After a moment or two of silence, the door clicked shut and Jimin listened to the boys footsteps as he walked to his own desk and sit down. Jimin obviously knew who he was and knew where he sat, but other than that, Jimin knew nothing much of this student. Neither had spoken to each other before. The atmosphere in the classroom suddenly became awkward and uncomfortable, it was clear that he had seen Jimin crying as much as Jimin tried to deny it.

Although he had pretty much stopped crying, Jimin continued to sniffle and make a some kind of small whimper after trying to stay quiet. He was just thinking about leaving when he heard his classmate say something.
Jimin didn't know what the boy said, doesn't matter, he told himself.

But as Jimin sat still for a moment he realised there was no one else in the room except them. Suddenly Jimin began to panic because damn, he had no clue what the guy said. Jimin didn't want to answer just in case he wasn't talking to him but he didn't not want to answer if he was, Jimin isn't rude like that. But time ticked by and Jimin needed to make his choice, and quick. So he pulled away his hand from his head to see the student was facing his way.

"W-What?" Jimin spoke quietly.

The boy stared straight back at him with a gaze that was near enough un readable, it wasn't a harsh look but wasn't sympathetic either.

"I said have you done the maths homework?"

Jimin stared at him blankly before narrowing his eyebrows. "yeah.." he replied. "why...?"

"can i copy?"

"um.." before Jimin could even give a proper answer, the boy stood up and walked over to where he was sitting and sat on the desk next to him. Jimin was kinda startled to see a guy he had never spoken to before so close to him, but nonetheless he tried to act natural and reached around on he chair and grabbed his bag. bringing it into his lap, he rummaged around in his backpack until he found his homework. Once he found it, he held it out for his classmate to take, which he did so and soon began copying up his answers. Jimin doesn't usually like people copying him but he was too tired to care from all his crying, not to mention he didn't know the guy well and he looks scary enough to beat him up if Jimin said no. So he kept quiet.

Jimin sat in silence while he watched the boy scribble on his paper, looking back and forth between Jimins and his own. The boy got half way when he glanced up through his bangs and caught Jimins eyes looking at him. Jimin quickly turned his head away and looked somewhere else, embarrassed  enough as it is. 

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