Twenty Six

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Yoongi laughed to himself, looking down at the flower that Jimin had noticed.

"Yeah, it's kinda dying I know" he said. "I may or may not have forgotten plants need water and sunlight to live"

Jimin choked on a laugh, looking down to his shoes, which were scraping the floor shyly.

Yoongi continued. "It was meant for you. But It doesn't really look very pretty anymore"

The youngers snapped his head up, quickly replying with "no, it does"

As though he didn't expect Jimin to speak, his mouth hung open before closing it to form a small smile.
Taehyung had to refrain from grinning widely and making a sound as he stepped back from them, giving the two some space. But of course he still listening in.

Yoongi stood there quietly for a moment, wondering what to do or what to say first— there were so many choices that he could choose, he hadn't really planned it out. All he knew was that he didn't want to mess anything up again.

The older took little steps towards Jimin and extended his arm that was holding the flower. Jimin hesitates a little, feeling awfully nervous, then took the flower.

Yoongi then glanced to Taehyung before his eyes returned back to Jimin. "I'm sorry about what I said earlier. Seriously. I shouldn't have said it"

"It's ok Hyung, I understand" Jimin said softly. "Forgive and forget"

As though you could see the relief on his face, A smile fell upon Yoongis face. The older was in fact so relieved that he suddenly took Jimin in his arms and hugged him. Jimin was taken aback and turned stiff for a moment but soon let his shoulders relax.

"Hyung.." Jimin said, slight concern in his voice, making Yoongi immediately pull away to see what he did wrong. Was that too much of him?

Instead, all Jimin did was look down to where the flower fell limply in his hands. The stem had snapped and the petals were crushed when Yoongi had pressed his chest against Jimins during the hug.

"I think it really is dead" Jimin pouted.

Yoongi instantly replied with "I'll get you another." They met eyes before Yoongi added "I'll get you all the flowers you want"

The younger blushed as he heard Taehyung Awh in the back. The two of them had almost forgotten he was there.
"That's so cute" Taehyung commented.

The couple turned to face Taehyung, who looked back at them with a guilty smile. "Should I just go?" He giggled.

Before Jimin could opposed, or agree, he hadn't decided yet, Taehyung answered his own question with "yeah, ok, so see you guys tomorrow!" And ran off away from them.

When Jimin faced back to Yoongi the older was already gazing at him intently. He felt his cheeks heat up a fraction more.

"Do you have to be anywhere right now?" He asked.

Jimin slowly shook his head no.

"Then, do you wanna take a walk with me?"


The willow tree was always where they ended.
Sat on the bench right in the middle, like the last time.

The two sat closely together side by side so their legs and arms were touching. Jimin felt the same as he did last time their visited here, but his feeling were much stronger and much clearer. They weren't holding hands but Jimin so desperately wanted to feel the warmth of Yoongis hand again.

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