Forty Four

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Before I start the chapter I'd just like to say I'm so sorry for making Sungwoon like this 😭😭😂😅


"just a friends house mum" is what Jimin said as he left the house. He ad managed to dodge all his mothers questions about what he was going to and insisted that he walked there. After a while of trying to persuade him to get in the car, as she was more than happy to take him, she eventually gave up and let him do what he wanted.

It was just getting dark as he left and Jimin was more than glad to arrive at the house before it turned pitch black.

After he found the right house using maps on his phone to locate it, Jimin stood at the bottom of the drive way and stared up at the big, well built house. By the looks of it, every room had its lights switched on, the downstairs being obviously where the main party was because although the curtains were closed, coloured lights flashed, turning to the curtains blue, red, green and more. You could even hear the music from outside if you listened closely.

With a deep breath, Jimin walked up to the front door and knocked as loud as he could.

It took a few minutes before someone finally came to the door.

Another boy, who wasnt Sungwoon, answered. He didn't say anything. Jimin watched the boy eye him up and down, head to toe. Suddenly, he felt uncomfortable.

He was about to speak up before Sungwoon appeared from behind, moving the guy out the way. "ah Jimin! so glad to see you!"

"am i late?"

"not at all! you're right on time. come on in!"

Jimin nodded and followed Sungwoon into his house, the random guy who answered closing the door behind them. The music got louder as they walked down the hall and into the living room to where you could walk straight through into the kitchen. It was a bit stuffy, but not too much as it wasn't overcrowded with people. However they were all people he didn't recognise, apart from one or two students he had seen walking around school.

Sungwoon grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the kitchen, instantly finding a bottle to pour a drink with. Jimin swallowed dryly as he watched the boy fill up the cup. He didn't really drink alcohol, he's barely had more than two drinks of it in his lifetime. Jimin was about to ask for another drink when Sungwoon cut him off. "So Jimin, there's a few people i'd like you to meet." He had to speak a bit louder than usual, considering the volume of the music and the amount of other students that were talking.

With that, Sungwoon signals for two boys, who were originally sitting down on opposite sides of the room, to come over. Both looking around Sungwoons age if not younger, Jimin assumes they're his friends he once mentioned about.

"meet Seongwoo and Daniel, guys this is the Jimin I've talked to you about"

Jimin smiled shyly at the boy. One of them patted him on the back.

"Nice to meet ya Jimin"

"You too"

"Right so, now that's over, let's have fun shall we?" Sungwoon shoved the cup full of liquid into Jimins hand, spilling it slightly, and pushed him along until they were back in the living room.

The younger felt the nervousness rise in his stomach again. He didn't really know what he was doing, nor did he feel like he belonged here. He felt so out of place.

Sungwoon hooked his arm around Jimins neck loosely. Jimin held the cup in his hand awkwardly, letting his eyes wonder around the room, watching what other people are doing in attempt to copy them. Then Sungwoon suddenly had a drink in his other hand, which Jimin was sure he stole it from someone else.
Taking a big gulp of the drink, Sungwoon then leant his mouth close to Jimins ear.

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