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Yoongi Hyung
We're here

Jimin bit his lip as he stared at the text and then out of the window. Hoseok, Namjoon and Yoongi were all waiting outside in a car, Hoseoks dad's car to be precise. The boys dad had offered to drive them to the concert, since he didn't want the four of them going to the other side of the city alone. Namjoon and Yoongi already knew Hoseoks parents as they had been best friends for years but for Jimin, it felt quite nerve racking.

Jimin pulled his eyes away from the window and stood in front of his mirror one last time, checking he looked good enough. He wasn't in anything fancy, just skinny jeans, a shirt that was a size too big for him and a jacket. He fluffed up his hair one more time and smiled to himself in the mirror before grabbing his ticket, phone and keys and dashing down stairs.

It was drizzling when he opened the door, but Jimin couldn't be bothered to go back in and find his umbrella just invade. Not to mention people were waiting for him.

Jimin was awfully nervous about this night out with Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok. He was excited before but as it came closer to the time, his feelings changed. Jimin wasn't close with Namjoon or Hoseok at all, so spending a whole car journey with them (and not to mention ones father) felt daunting.

Jimin could only hope Yoongi would make it less uncomfortable.

He closed the front door behind him after he said goodbye to his mother and walked to the car on his drive. He saw Namjoon and Hoseok squabbling to each other while, Yoongi met eyes with him.

Jimin opened the car door, hearing multiple "hello!"s and "get in"s. He did so and sat down in the seat next to Yoongi, flashing a small nervous smile before finding his seat belt.

The car wasn't the biggest of cars he had ever seen, so the three on the back row were packed in tightly, arms and legs touching. Jimin looked over to Namjoon who waved with a smile. Namjoon was taller than anyone else Jimin had ever seen, so he did wonder how come the boy ended up in the back of the car where it had limited leg room. Nevertheless, Jimin smiled back and finished fidgeting.

"You in, Jim?" Hoseok dad asked.

"Dad it's Jimin" His son sighed.

"Isn't Jim a nick name for Jimin?"

Jimin laughed slightly as he heard the two talking.

"No, it isn't. Now just drive please"

Hoseok turned around to the back seats and mimed "Sorry" to him, making him laugh.

"It's okay" Jimin replied.

"So anyway," his father started again as he pulls away from Jimins drive and begins their journey "It's nice to meet you Jimin. I haven't seen you before, have I?"

"Ah, no you haven't. It's nice to meet you too" Jimin said shyly and Yoongi chuckles.

"He's a new friend of Yoongi's" Hoseok adds. "We don't get to see him that often because Yoongi steals him away from everybody"

"Is that so?" His dad laughs.

"That isn't true" the older rolls his eyes as he defends himself.

"But it is though" Namjoon joins in.

Jimin just sits there hoping his cheeks aren't as red as he might think.

"Well, I've heard that Yoo—"

"Dad, don't say it"

"Why not?"

Hoseok made the hand gesture across his neck towards his dad, the man some how understands and closes his mouth.
Jimin looks to Yoongi confused, who avoided his eyes, pretending not to know what they're talking about. Jimin shrugged it off and looked out the window. Still lightly raining, still cold.

He was somewhat glad he was pressed so close to Yoongi.

After a moment of silence, Hoseok leaned forward in the front and turned on the radio.

Jimin and Yoongi stayed relatively quiet for the rest of the journey, while Hoseok and Namjoon continued to talk, his father occasionally joining in now and then.

To be truthful, Jimin had always found that car journeys made him sleepy but he did his best to keep his eyes open, not wanting to make a fool of himself already.

However there were negatives about sitting so close to Yoongi. Every time Hoseoks dad turned a sharp corner, Jimin was practically lying on the older and even worse, Namjoon just laughed each time.

Just when he thought it couldn't get worse, The fifth time they turned a corner and he fell into Boy, it was only when Yoongi stared down to his lap that Jimin realised his hand was gripped onto Yoongis thigh.

He quickly removed it before anyone else saw and looked to the window again, hiding the redness in his burning face.

Yoongi didn't say anything, he couldn't tell what he might be thinking but Jimin chose to try and block this awkward moment from his memory, pretending it didn't happen. That would be the best option.

Jimin tunes into Hoseoks awful singing and hoped that the rest of this car ride would go smoothly.


Jimin clutched onto Yoongi's arm as they moved through the crowd of people. They had just finished going through the security check and Hoseok had bought about three pieces of merch, spending all of his money. They were walking through the stadium to get to their seats. They were relatively close to the front but just to the right side of the stadium. There was so many people that Jimin was scared he'd loose the three of them. When Yoongi said 'stay close' he didn't expect Jimin to cling this close.

When they got to their seats, Jimin loosened his grip on Yoongi and slowly let go as they sat down. "Sorry" he mumbled shyly.
Yoongi Just shook his head to say it's ok.

Hoseok and Namjoon then got up to go find the toilets, because Hoseok didn't want to go alone and get lost. That left Yoongi and Jimin alone once again, sitting awkwardly amongst a flood of people.

The two stayed silent for a moment, both wondering what to say.

"You look good tonight" Yoongi said. "I mean nice, you look nice- really nice"

Jimin giggled at the older words, trying to hide his blushing discreetly. "Well it's nothing that fancy.." Jimin replied. "But thank you"

It was a minute or too later that Jimin realised he didn't compliment Yoongi back. " you look amazing" he blurted out in a panic.

Yoongi turned his way, mouth slightly parted and eyes blinking every few seconds.

"I-I mean, you look good too... o-obviously." Jimin added shyly. "W-well you always look good to be fair..."

Shut it Jimin!

Stop talking!

"Thanks" Yoongi replies after a moment or too of eyeing Jimin down.

Jimin have a short smile before turning away to hide his embarrassment.

Hoseok and Namjoon came back shortly after and sat down next to Yoongi.

"How are the love birds getting on?" Hoseok asked with a grin.

Both Jimin and Yoongi snapped their heads towards him. Yoongi wore a frown while Jimins was in shock, his eyes the widest they have probably ever been.

"L-love birds!?" Jimin stuttered.

"Oh did I say that out loud?" Hoseok scratched the back of his head with a forced laugh. Namjoon was trying his hardest to not fall of his chair with laughter.

"Yes." Yoongi said sternly. "Yes you did"

"What do you mean love birds?" Jimin asked again, his heart pounding.

Hoseok just ignored him and laughed again. "You know what, I think maybe you were mistaken. I didn't say that at all"

"Hoseok stop taking before I hit you"


Ahhh I'm sorry if this is terrible I just wanted to post something

Maybe I'll change it soon??? Idk??

I'm so sorry for the long wait 💛💛

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