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"Are you going to make a move or what?"


"Hey don't shout at me I'm just trying to encourage you"

"You're the worst at encouragement"

"Am not"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"


Jungkook walked over to their desks and slapped the two boys around the head. "Kids, settle down" he said and took his place on Taehyungs desk as usual. "If you wanna get attention from Yoongi, you gotta play it cool, you can't make it seem like you're acting different and your forcing it. Otherwise it's too weird–"

"–I wasn't asking for any love advice what so ever," Jimin groaned as he threw his hands up into the air. "I'm just trying to do my homework!"

"Well unless eyeing up Yoongi is your homework you've not been very productive in the last half an hour we have been here"


Jimin crossed his arm and frowned at his friends. "I really will kill you if he hears any of this you know"

Taehyung smiled sweetly. "You'd never do that to your bestest bestest bestest friend in the whole wide world, would you?"

"Try me, Kim Taehyung" Jimin grumbled before putting his head back down to his homework.


Play it cool, Jimin thought to himself as he packed up his bag and made his way down the row of desks.

Don't force it. Jimin was thinking of all the things Jungkook said earlier– he hated to admit it but he was.

And whatever you do don't mess it up.
Jimin stopped when he reached Yoongis desk.

Yoongi was just packing his books away when he saw Jimin standing next to him, playing with the sleeves of his jacket as his hands disappeared within them.

"Jimin?" Yoongi said slightly surprised to see the younger had came up to him first. Usually he waited at his desk until Yoongi joined him for lunch. But now it was time to go home, and Jimin is always rushed out by Taehyung and Jungkook before Yoongi could usually say goodbye.

But he was always happy to see Jimin.

The younger gave his most prettiest smile, flashing his teeth as though it would give him an advantage.

"Hyung.." Jimin started. "I was wondering if.." he trailed off suddenly feeling increasingly more nervous than he already was.

"If..?" Yoongi laughed, urging him to continue.

"If you wanted to grab a drink" Jimin rocked on his heels, his eyes flickering from Yoongi to the floor. "With me" he added just to make it clear.

Yoongi leaned forward and ruffled Jimins hair, sending the youngers heart wild.

"I'd love to"

"Great" Jimin excitedly blurted out in a little squeak. He continued to stand awkwardly next to Yoongis desk for a moment as the older continued to pack away. "I'm just gonna, um wait over there" he said pointing to the other side of the classroom and when Yoongi nods he almost skips back to Taehyung and Jungkook.

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