Forty Two

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"Jimin, Hey"

The younger turned around to see Sungwoon waking towards him. Taehyung let his arm drop from his best friends shoulder and narrowed his eyes at the student.

It had been a few since Sungwoon had helped him with the milkshakes and ever since, the older had greeted Jimin every time they passed in the halls.

"Oh, Hey" Jimin said shyly. 

"Hey to you too" Taehyung mumbled.

Jimin elbowed the boy in the side earning a small yelp.

"Did you want anything?" Jimin asked.

"Well actually, can I talk to you in person for a second?"

Taehyung scrunched up his face. "Can't you just say—"
Jimin elbowed him again, forcing a smile.
"Of course"

Taehyung rolled his eyes as he clutched on to the side of his stomach. "Don't you guys worry 'bout it, I'll leave. Jimin, see you back with the others"

"Bye" Jimin smiled sheepishly as he watched the boy walk away, dragging his feet on the floor like a sulking child. He turned back to Sungwoon who just chuckled.
"So, what's up?"

"I'm having a party this Saturday, I was just wondering if you wanted to come?"

Jimins mouth dropped. Despite becoming friends with Sungwoon he didn't expect to be invited to a party, especially this soon.

Sungwoon saw his surprise and laughed. "It's ok if you don't want to, or you can bring a friend if you like"

"I-uh... I'll have to think about it" Jimin said, shyly scratching his neck. "I'm not sure if I'm doing anything this weekend" he didn't know how to politely turn Sungwoon down, he seemed too nice to turn down.

"That's fine" Sungwoon shrugged. "Tell me if you change your mind though, it would be such a shame to not see you there"

With that Sungwoon winked, turning on his heels and walked off. Jimin was left alone, slightly flustered and mostly embarrassed with the weird gesture. Jimin shook it off and quickly hurried back to his classroom, wondering if he should tell his friends what just happened or not.


"So?" Taehyung asked flatly "what did he say?"

"What did who say?" Jungkook asked looking between them.  The other four of them perked up hearing the conversation.

"Oooh spill the tea boys" Seokjin sat down next to them, crossing his legs and resting his chin on his palm. Namjoon nudged the oldest, as though to warn him to keep quiet.

Jimins eyes flickered to Yoongi. "Not much" he muttered before siting down in his seat.

"Sungwoon stopped to talk to Jimin again" Taehyung explained, earning a scowl from Jimin. "Completely blanked me but whatever, he asked to talk to Jimin in private so I left"

Hoseok gasped. "What did he say?"

"Seriously guys, it's nothing" Jimin tried to push it off, maybe he'd tell them later but what's the point of telling them if he hadn't even decided to go yet.

"What, so he just pulled you to the side privately to ask you how your day was?" Taehyung scoffed.

"But that's basically what Yoongi did?" Namjoon muttered from the side. This earned a slap from Seokjin.

"Shut up joon, that's not the same"

Yoongi ignores the two and waits for Jimin to speak.

"He was just asking me about something...that's all"  before anyone else could comment, the bell rang and saved Jimin from further interrogation. Taehyung and Jungkook groaned before moving to their seats. The rest did the same, leaving Jimin sigh to himself.

Today turned out to be much more stressful than expected.


They were walking out of school when Jimin pushed his way through to Yoongi. Taehyung and Jungkook were too busy whispering weird names in each other's ears while the other three walked not far behind. Yoongi however had been walking alone and quietly in front. Honestly, Jimin was kinda worried it was about this Sungwoon thing that Taehyung keeps making a big deal of. If Taehyung didn't make such a fuss, Yoongi might not have been like this.

Thanks Tae

"Hey Hyung" Jimin said sweetly, slipping his hand into the olders hand and intertwined their fingers.

Yoongi smiled at the touch and simply because of the youngers voice. "What's shakin', bacon?"

The older smiled even more when he heard the sweet cackle that is Jimins laugh. It took his mind of a few things, it's like an instant mood booster.
"You're so embarrassing"

"I'm hilarious" Yoongi argued jokingly.

"Whatever you say. But anyway, you feeling ok?"  Jimin asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Just checking" Jimin smiled before he began swinging their hands in the air.

Hoseok, Seokjin and Namjoon parted ways with them, all waving goodbye, while the four of them continued down their path.

"It feels like I haven't properly spent time with you in agesss" Jimin huffed.

"What about now?"

"No I mean like,... alone"

Yoongi laughed. "I swear you came round to my house like two days ago."

"Three Actually! And that's still a long time! I miss you, okay?" Jimin pouted, something Yoongi couldn't resist. He had to stop himself from Kissing the boy all over.

"Sweetheart I miss you too, I'm just busy this week."

"I know I know I don't want to pressure you" Jimin leant over and kissed his boyfriends cheek. "I'll just wait patiently for when we can have our next date"

Yoongi raised his brows. "And where would you like your next date? Shall we go to the cinema?"

"Oh my god! Yes! I haven't been in so long!"  Jimin said excitedly.

"Well that's sorted then, you can choose a film for i find out when I'm free" Yoongi grinned.

Before Jimin could say another word about how excited he was, Yoongi continued.

"Wait, screw my plans. I can probably do Saturday. Does that sound good to you?"


Yayyy double update :)))))

Sorry if it's a bit short tho 
But I assure you longer chapters will be coming

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