Chapter 13

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Aurelia Esme

A month later

The sound of yet another muffled giggle pulled me away from the notes i was studying for what felt like the thousandth time. Cindy's bed creaked louder than before this time. A long sigh escaped my lips.

Yet again, Cindy had brought Finn back to the room when I really needed to get some studying done. I had forced myself to ignore it in the past, but i was being pushed over the edge this time.

"Hey need to get some studying done," I called out, putting my face in my hands. If I had it my way, I would've been at the library. Unfortunately, it was well after midnight and my desired location was closed for the night.

"Shit, I'm sorry, Aurelia," Cindy responded, followed by another fit of giggles.

"Sorry. I didn't even realize," Finn apologized, the bed squeaking as he sat up. "Not to sound rude or anything, but could you maybe go to the library for a bit or something?"

Rolling my eyes, i swiveled my chair around to face the two of them. "I'd love to, but it's closed."

"Shit, you're right. That's what my roommate always says." He looked up at the ceiling in thought, his face lighting up moments later. "Can't you... Can't you just go hang out with him or something?"

"What? With who?" I wasn't sure what he was getting at.

"My roommate. He's chill. I doubt he'll mind." The words left his mouth so casually.

A gasp of disbelief left my lips. "Are you fucking serious? I don't even know your roommate."

"He's cool. Right across the hall. I'm sure he won't mind." Yet again, so casual.

Just as I was about to continue arguing about how ridiculous of a suggestion it was, Cindy pulled the sheets over both of their heads. The nauseating sound of their sloppy kisses filled my ears.

Immediately, i rose to my feet. "You know what? That might be a good idea. Anywhere has got to be better than here right now," I huffed, ripping my backpack off of the ground and quickly shoving all of my books and papers into it. After zipping it shut, i slung it over my shoulder and let out one last dramatic sigh to express my frustration. "Enjoy yourselves."

Without another word, I stormed out of the room that was not feeling too much like my own room that at the moment.

The second i knocked on the door, my mind began to race. This was such a bad idea. I had no clue who his roommate was. What if he was sleeping? What if i woke him up? What if he was weird? Even if he wasn't, how was i going to explain that I couldn't handle Cindy and Finn making out while I was trying to study? This was such a bad idea.

Before I could think myself to death, the wooden door was abruptly pulled open. I came face to face with a shirtless boy with nothing but a towel around his waist. A familiar boy. He was not somebody I'd ever spoken to, but nonetheless, I still recognized him.

I had seen those bright blue eyes staring at me from across the dark rooms of many parties. Across the heads of many focused students in my lecture halls. The long stares were always accompanied by a smug smirk whenever my eyes met his. Every time, it made my stomach churn. To be honest, i snuck in my own stares whenever he was occupied. But i never approached him. Hard to get was my specialty.

His part ☽ Finn Wolfhard Where stories live. Discover now