Chapter 26

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Milo brooks

I grumbled to myself as Aurelia and I headed to the Biology classroom, then plopping down in my seat. I comforted Aurelia until our professor began to give directions, Aurelia brightened when the teacher mentioned that after the exam was done the students were free to go.

At that, i grinned. I had a free period next, and i figured i could use the time to go work on my free throws in the gym. So as much as i didn't want to, i put my head down and began to work through the exam. At least after that, my day could look up.


"Hey! How was your Bio test?" Cindy asked as my friend Matthew joined me at a random table by a little cafe inside the campus. I shrugged and opened my lunch bag, "Let's not talk about that. Has anyone heard from Aurelia? I asked.

"I haven't talked to her in ages. I passed the gym on my way to swimming and saw here there but it looked like she was going out of campus," Matthew replied.

"She'll be here soon," Cindy shrugged.

"Since I had a free period I was going to work on my free throws but I'll wait for her."


It had been twenty minutes and we were still waiting on Aurelia. To pass time we played eye spy since our phones were in our dorms.

"It's the fucking tree Milo!" Cindy grinned as she sat back. I nod a nope to her. "Well what else would start with a fuc – "

Her statement was cut off by a sound inside one of the blocks. One that Matthew had heard before but couldn't quite place. I glanced up and to the door, jumping when i heard it once more. My body went cold. Then right at that moment my brain finally zoned in on what the sound was. It was the crack of a gun being shot, and screams following it.

Cindy jumped up, and Matthew did too, "we've got to go somewhere, it's not safe out here." Matthew says while wiping his sweat.

"He's right, we can't stay out here. Will go back to the Biology classroom before every class inside goes on lockdown."

Wyatt Oleff

As i made my way down the hall, i got a weird feeling. It was quiet – like super quiet. My phone vibrated in the my back pocket i reached for it, freezing at the sound i heard behind me.

There was a loud crack and a few screams, and my blood ran cold. My legs worked before my mind did and i raced down the hallway. My ears were ringing as the shot echoed through the hallway, I started running then tripped and felt the pain in my left leg.

Aurelia Esme

I threw myself into a nearby bathroom and slammed the door shut behind me, Jack startled me, who was standing by the mirror, headphones in his ears.

"What the hell? You look like you just saw a ghost," Jack laughed, taking his headphones out. He probably expected me to laugh, but the i just shook my head. "Lia? What's wrong?"

"We're dead. We're all dead. There's someone with a gun and we're all going to die," I whispered, eyes wide.

"Aurelia," Jack frowned. "This isn't funny."

His part ☽ Finn Wolfhard Where stories live. Discover now