Chapter 28

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Aurelia Esme

By the time I found Milo I knew he was dead. His skin was mottled, his lips were purple... I worked as a healthcare provider once and know the signs of death. There was Blood all over his clothes, his lifeless body just laying there on the floor. I couldn't help but scream. Why him? Why Milo?

There were still people running and screaming for help, and a two more gunshots shot fire on the other sid rod the building which made me shiver. But I couldn't give one shit. I was with Milo and that was all that matters.

I sad and held his head on my lap and sobbed. "Milo, say something," i said, shaking him gently.

"Please, open your eyes!. Please wake up" I cried a bit more. While leaning my head down to his.

"Oh God, please!" I screamed, near hysteria. "Fuck, wake up!"

I take his hand in mine. "Milo, squeeze my hand, remember what you said? Whenever you squeeze my hand, it means your here."

But he didn't squeeze it, not even a flinch.

"Milo, how could I ever be happy and move on without you? I fucking can't! My whole world is gone. I love you, and I can't be without you. You have to be okay. You have to wake up!." I beg him.

But of course he wasn't going to wake up, nothing was going to be fine. He was dead and there was nothing I could do about it.

I called the police, practically screaming through the phone at them. "Hi, m-m-my boyfriends been shot,"

"And where was he shot, how many times was he shot?" The lady on the line replied.

I looked down at his body, god I didn't know it was that bad.

"He um, he was shot mostly around the stomach area about, about five," I couldn't even finish the sentence without breaking down.

"Miss, just tell me the details so we can help you."

"He was shot f-five. Times." I had to look up at the ceiling so I couldn't cry.

"Okay, I'm going to need your's and your boyfriends name and surnames."

"My name is Aurelia Esme and my boyfriends name is Milo Brooks." I say tears staining my cheeks continued to cry.

"Okay, Aurelia. I need you to check if Milo is breathing, could you do that."

He was shot five times, how could you expect him to be breathing. I thought.

"He's not breathing, I checked as soon as I found him."

"Okay, Aurelia sweetie,you're at the college right?"

"Yes, I am could you send someone please. I don't want him laying life less on the ground."

"Okay honey, the ambulance are going to come into the building once it's evacuated and clear. Your going to have to leave Milo where he is and exit the building."

"What! No I'm not leaving my boyfriend!" I yell into the phone.

"Aurelia your putting yourself into more serious danger if you stay with Milo."

His part ☽ Finn Wolfhard Where stories live. Discover now