Chapter 17

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Aurelia Esme

I stare at the words in front of me, trying to absorb each of their meanings. Milo sighs loudly from the couch across from me. I continue to stare at the words in the textbook on the table until i feel a paper ball hit my head.

"Milo, please stop" i say. "I'm trying to study for my test." "Ugh" he groans throwing his body back onto the couch in frustration. "Can't you take a study break?" Milo says grinning.

"I bet I can teach you a few things about your anatomy" I roll my eyes and look at him." First of all Milo, you need to stop fantasising about those study breaks of yours" i smirk playfully at him. "And second, you know how hard I have to study to pass this test for tomorrow" i sigh.

He flops back  on the couch playing with his fingers as he contemplates what to do while I study. I smile realizing how cute he is when he is bored. I slowly begin to learn all the information for my test until I feel a pair of eyes staring at me. I ignore it until I hear whimpers.

Confused I look up to Milo giving me his puppy dog eyes with his lip puckered. "Milo" I groan in frustration. "Thats right Lia I'll have you groaning my name in no time" Milo smirks at me thinking he will eventually get his way.

"Gross....You're too....dirty minded" I reply. I try to concentrate on the words on the page when i hear Milo get up from the couch. He walks to the back of the couch and begins to rub my shoulders slowly.

"Since you brought up those fantasies, I bet we can make your study break a million times more memorable" he whispers in my ear. "Oh really" i say trying not to sound interested. "I don't think so" i shrug glancing back to my book. "Oh I know so"

Milo walks to my side of the couch and closes my textbook and sits down beside me. "We could put all those fantasies to shame" he whispers in my ear.

"How?" I say still not entertained.

"Oh, I'll show you" he says lightly pushing me down on the couch.

Milo kissed me softly and kind of stayed at his place for a few seconds just staring at me and smiling, a huge smile spread across my face too. Just as he was coming in for another kiss someone coughed.

"Is this a wrong time?"

I roll my eyes already knowing who it was.

"Fucking Hell" I mumble to myself I slide out of Milo's grip.

Cindy and Finn haven't really been hanging out or talking to each other for a few days and his been pissed off at Milo ever since we started dating.

I look at him and he gives me a soft smile, I roll my eyes and grab my textbooks.

Milo kisses my cheek as I'm going out the door  "I'll pick you up around two - thirty ish"


"Lia?" Milo's raspy voice asks, pulling me back into reality, "Are you ready?"

I had been frozen In Milo's car for God knows how long. I look forward at his mothers house and clench up. "What... What if they don't like me, Milo?" I ask, not bearing to look at him.

"C'mon, Aurelia. Who could possibly hate you?"

I look at him. "I just don't want to be a huge disappointment to them I guess."

"There's no way you could ever disappoint anyone. Even on your worst day. I love you, my family will love you. Don't worry."

I take a deep breath and nod my head as I slowly get out of the car and walk with Milo to the front door. I watch him anxiously as he knocks on the door.

His part ☽ Finn Wolfhard Where stories live. Discover now