Clothes! Chapter 2.

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"so what do we do now captain" Armin asked puzzled as they sat on the hospital bed with little mikasa. "we go look in hanji office for any notes" Levi said with a cold expression. "but her office a mess, it be impossible to find a clue to help mikasa" jean said with shock. "yes you idiot i know but if we all work hard and start now, we should find something" Levi said with a little anger. "well lets go and change me back" Mikasa said as she jumped off the bed. But mikasa forgot she was a kid and had a fucked up leg and it shot a lot of pain in mikasa body. "fuck that hurts like hell" mikasa yelled and everyone but Levi worried. "mikasa your not your normal size you cant just walk it off like normal" eren said with worry and picked mikasa up to carry her. "e-eren" mikasa struggled saying with a small blush. "you injured and im not going to let you walk on that leg mikasa" eren said with a smile and small mikasa hugged him a little so she could grip him better. "oh dont you trust me mikasa im not gonna drop you" eren said laughing as he felt mikasa hug him. "i dont want you dropping me again eren" mikasa said with a little anger. "she right eren remember when we were kids you dropped her hard" Armin said with a smirk. "thanks Armin i feel so happy reliving that" eren said as he sighed.

"well im happy to carry little mikasa" jean said with puppy eyes and smile. "no thanks im good with eren" mikasa said holding on to eren tighter and erne stuck his tongue out at jean. "oh shut up eren" Jean said and they all started to walk. "hey eren can i borrow mikasa when we get to hanji office" Armin asked with a smile. "sure if thats ok with mikasa" eren said looking at the peaceful mikasa. "its fine Armin" Mikasa said still laying her head on eren. "mikasa eren look out" jean shouted as some kids ran towards them both, but it was to late a soldier ran into eren and knock him over. "hey watch where you going" Levi shouted and the soldiers stopped and said sorry. "hey are you both ok" Armin asked worried. "im fine but mikasa are you ok, are you hurt" eren said freaking out. "im fine dont worry, you broke most of my fall thanks" Mikasa said as she sat up. "its ok im glad i stopped you falling to hard" eren said with a smile and picked little mikasa up again. 


"hey eren past me mikasa and i talk with her outside the room" Armin said with a nervous smile. "ok but im trusting you to not drop her Armin" Eren said with worry and past mikasa over. "dont worry mikasa i wont drop you" Armin gave a brave smile. "its ok Armin i trust you" Mikasa said as she hugged up to him. "be back soon Armin we might need your brain to understand Hanji notes" Levi said as they walked out the door and Armin just nodded. 


"so what's up Armin" mikasa asked as Armin placed her on a chair. "well mikasa um your clothes is just a top and nothing else on" Armin said a calm way and pointing at her. "oh shit i didnt realise" mikasa said worried. "yeah i guessed you or eren and im pretty sure Levi not realised that yet" Armin said with a small smile. "what should i do, camp dont do children clothes its a war camp" Mikasa said looking at her top that only covering her. "well let me make you some underwear and a dress quick" Armin said with a small smile. "with what we dont have anything to use" Mikasa said as she looked puzzled. "well im gonna need to cut up your top and white leggings you were earing today" Armin looked a little worried as he said that. "fine use them but im wearing my top and will you fix it to a dress" mikasa asked as she looked at Armin. "well you need to take it off" Armin chuckled nervously. "there no way im standing naked in camp Armin" Mikasa shouted and jean, eren, Levi heard her yell. "what the fuck his Armin talking to her about" Levi said as he raised his voice. "i have an idea wait here mikasa" Armin said with a smile and walked away.


"um eren" Armin said very nervous. "what's up Armin and why did mikasa yell" eren asked worried. "i need your top so mikasa can ware it for a little while" Armin asked with a worried smile. "what the hell Armin" jean said shocked by what Armin asked. "why do you need eren top Armin or why do mikasa need it" Levi asked. "well mikasa only got her top to ware and it too big for little mikasa, she kind naked right now" Armin said embarrassed. "im going to make a small dress out of her top but she need to wear something while i do that" Armin said looking really nervous. "here just take it and my jacket so she dont get cold" eren said as he took they off. "thanks eren i give it back after" Armin said with a smile and ran out. "wait so mikasa naked right now and non of us noticed" jean said with a blush. "oh sorry i forgot to get her other clothes" Armin said walking back in. "its fine Armin just hurry up and help mikasa" Levi said a little nervous after hearing mikasa problem. "oh urr now were are they" Armin asked puzzled. "what are you looking for" eren asked as he saw his friend puzzled. "well i cant find any of mikasa underwear they fell down as she tried to walk earlier" Armin said puzzled and not realising why the rest went nervous.  "m-mikasa underwear is in the same room as us" Jean said blushing hard. "yep now help me look or i cant make her smaller underwear" Armin said so calmly. "um here you go Armin here her underwear" eren said as he blushed hard and he was really embarrassed to be holding them. "thanks eren, now her bra i could use the string for her dress" Armin said looking around hard and the rest of the boys embarrassed by the problem. 

"here Armin, please hurry and take it" Levi said as he picked mikasa bra up and he blushed a little. "thanks captain, right i go help mikasa and tell her how you all helped" Armin said with a smile and running out. "wait no please dont tell mikasa" eren tried to say embarrassed but Armin was already gone. "lets never talk about what now happened" Levi said embarrassed and the boys agreed. "how can Armin be so calm talking and doing everyone thing" jean asked puzzled and the boys just shook there heads. 


"it was nice if eren to give me his top and jacket" mikasa said cuddling up to the chair. "yeah it was and all three of them helped me find your clothes" Armin said with a smile. "wait so they all help jean, eren and even Levi" mikasa said worried. "yep jean found your uniform skirt, eren found your underwear oh and Levi" Armin stopped and went really nervous. "they all touched my clothes and things wait what did Levi find" mikasa went very embarrassed. "oh hehehe well captain Levi found your bra mikasa" Armin said really nervous. "Levi found my bra, just kill me" mikasa said with a little blush but very embarrassed. "all done mikasa here some underwear an the dress" Armin said with a smile. "thanks Armin" mikasa said in a kind and cute way. "welcome i wait outside the room, so just call if you need help" Armin said with a smile and walked out of an empty cupboard they using. "wow Armin really good, these fit amazingly and the underwear dont feel wired" Mikasa said to herself. "are you all done mikasa" Armin said on the other side of the door. "yep you can come in now" mikasa said back and sat down before he tells her off for standing to long. "wow mikasa you look really nice, it really fits you well" Armin said with his cute child like smile. "thanks hey what are you hiding behind your back" mikasa said as she tried to see. "oh well i made you some black shoes you slide on and socks" Armin said pulling them out and smiled. "wow thanks, can you help put them on me please" mikasa said looking a little embarrassed as it hurts to bend her leg. "sure mikasa, after we do lets go help the boys out" Armin said with a smile and picked up mikasa.


"hey we back" Armin said with a smile and holding mikasa in his arms. "hey welcome back eren said with a smile. "hey can put me on down now Armin" mikasa asked in a cute little way and everyone in the room even Levi blushed a little. "sure" Armin said with a smile and placed her on a table. "wow mikasa you look super cute in that dress" jean said blushing crazy and everyone stared at her. "thanks, i think Armin did a good job" mikasa said a little embarrassed. "well you look really pretty mikasa" eren said with a smile and mikasa had a little smile show. "oh wow eren you made her smile" Armin said shocked and mikasa quickly hide it again. "oh come on mikasa it was a cute little smile" eren said with a giggle. "oh eren here you go" mikasa said and passed his top back. "hey what about his jacket" jean said as eren dressed again. "oh no im keeping that a little longer" mikasa said holding it tight. "i kinda struggled making a jacket for her and i rip her one so she got no jacket right now" Armin said with a nervous laugh. 

"you broke mikasa uniform jacket" jean said worried. "yep im going to fix it but it take awhile" Armin said with an embarrassed smile. "its fine Armin dont worry" mikasa said and her friend smiled at her. "you can keep mine until you grow big again mikasa" eren said and hug mikasa. "thanks eren" mikasa said in a child like way that make everyone but Levi smile. "welcome i dont want you getting a cold and i have my spare on in my room" eren said with a smile. "lets keep looking for a note that could help fix mikasa" Levi said in a loud voice that got everyone looking again.

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