Who keeps mikasa! Chapter 3.

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"man im so tired" jean moaned as he sat in a chair. "yeah its hopeless hanji lab it just too messy for us" Armin said as he sat on a table for a break. "we all tried but we got to find a way to help mikasa so keep looking" eren snapped and kept looking in a crazy way. "eren stop thats an order" Levi yelled as he was doing no one to help. "but we got to turn mikasa back" eren said with sad eyes. "dont worry eren we can look again tomorrow" mikasa said hugging his arm. "fine, but dont worry mikasa we change you back soon" eren said with a smile and pat her head. "eeeep" mikasa jumped in a cute way and everyone turned towards her. "hey mikasa are you ok, you jumped" Armin said with a smile. "hanji near by" mikasa said with anger. "how the hell can you tell" jean said shocked. "yeah i got a bad shiver, hanji must be near" eren said looking around. "this proves you both are freaks" Levi said rolling his eyes. "we lets have a look around to see if we can find hanji" Armin said. "we all check this building" Eren said scared. "i take the west side" Armin said as he walked out. "i take the east side" jean smirk and left. "i take south, you be ok here mikasa" eren said with a smile. "i be fine eren go" mikasa said folding her arms. "ok grumpy bye" eren smiled and left. "i guess i look in the others room as we in north side, just call if you need help mikasa" Levi said as he left.

"like i need his help, yeah right im super strong" mikasa said in a grumps. Mikasa heard footsteps coming towards her. "captain Levi is that you" mikasa said a little worried but no one answered. "eren, Armin or jean is that you" Mikasa was getting a little worried for sure now. Mikasa decide to be brave and jump of the table to go hide, the pain was horrible but she just bite her lip and hide. "mikasa" hanji voice entered the room and mikasa heard her lock the door. "oh come on mikasa i know your in here, dont hide" hanji said in a crazy way and mikasa put her hand over her mouth. "oh come mikasa i just want to do more tests, to see why your super human" hanji evil giggled. "oh no what now im trapped, i could yell but hanji would find me" mikasa thought to herself. Mikasa was hiding under a sink cupboard. "fine mikasa, lets play hide and seek then" hanji said with anger. "for once in a long time mikasa was scared for real. Hanji stopped right in front of mikasa and mikasa thought "this is it she found me, im dead" mikasa began to shake a little. 

"well the hell is she" hanji wished and this gave mikasa hope. "mikasa i got three more rooms left then i head back" Levi shouted from down the hall and mikasa was glad, he sounded a little wired but i guess he was pretty far away and she in a cupboard. "i just got to last 3 more rooms checks then Levi save her" mikasa was thinking and gaining more hope. "great, well i better get out of here" hanji said and she climbed on the sinks side. Hanji kicked the tap and it made a pipe break. A lot of water came out and it was filling the under cupboard non stop. Mikasa was drowning and she couldn't hold her breath no more so she opened the doors. "oh found you mikasa" Hanji giggled. "oh no" mikasa said with some fear. "you like my fake voice of Levi" hanji said and smirked. "so thats why Levi sounded wired" mikasa said with anger. "haha yep but it got you out" Hanji smirked and grabbed mikasa. "no leave me alone" mikasa yelled and tried to fight hanji but no use. Her arms was too short and so was her legs. 

"oh and Levi wont help, he running after my fake self right now" hanji said with a giggle. "so where should i start" hanji said getting her tools out. "i know i see how burns work on you, i was told that you lasted longer then eren when the colossal titan made steam and you healed fast" Hanji said and mikasa eyes filled with fear. "no stay away" mikasa yelled and tried to break free but she was in chains on the table. "shut up mikasa im only doing tests" Hanji said annoyed. "why do you want to hurt me so much" mikasa shouted and hanji just smiled. "because your act non human but your human, i want to know how your body works" hanji said with crazy in her eyes. "help someone please, captain Levi please" mikasa shouted in fear but no use. "i guess this is it, even monsters dont get saved twice" mikasa said as she closed her eyes ready. "right this would hurt a normal human" Hanji said as she put boiled water over mikasa arm. "i see good results" hanji said as she put down notes. "you didnt even scream like you felt no pain" hanji said as she read out loud. "right now im going to make different types of cuts mikasa" hanji said and starting cutting different deeps and shapes. Mikasa just kept her eyes closed and thought about the people she loved who will still live on without her and she smiled. "wow still no screams mikasa" hanji said and write more notes. "well im all done huh" hanji said and became shocked, hanji quickly ran and jump out the window. "mikasa" Levi shouted and kicked down the door. "i knew it didnt feel right when i went outside" Levi said looking down. "Levi" mikasa said as she opened her eyes to see she still living. "oh shit shitty 4 eyes went wild on you sorry" Levi said and unchained her. 

"thanks" mikasa said and sat up. "shit mikasa" jean said as he ran in. "mikasa are you ok" Armin said in tears at looking mikasa. "im fine dont worry" mikasa smiled a little and hug the crying friend. "what the fuck happen, how did you let this happen captain" eren shouted at Levi. "stop it eren hanji locked the door and set traps for all of us" mikasa said tugging on his arm. "oh god mikasa im sorry" eren said hugging mikasa tight. "its late, we should get to bed because we have training in the morning" jean said trying to change the chat. "but where should i go" mikasa asked worried. "well someone who can protect you from hanji all the time" Armin said worried. "i look after mikasa, like i used too" eren said with a smile. "no what happens if you go titan and hurt mikasa" Levi said crossing his arms. "i take mikasa" jean said with a blush and smirk. "no way in hell i let a creep look after little mikasa" eren shouted and jean and they fought. "captain Levi please protect and look after mikasa, i would but im not strong enough to keep her safe" Armin said with a sad smile. "as much as i hate you captain, please look after me till i get better" mikasa said looking away from Levi. This shocked everyone even Levi a little. "fine but you have to do what i tell you mikasa" Levi said with a little anger. "yes captain" mikasa said. "dont call me captain it sounds wired hearing from a kid mikasa" Levi said with a sigh. "then what should i call you" mikasa asked puzzled. "you can call me Levi and i call you mika so its fair" Levi said with cold eyes. "deal" mikasa said and they shook on it. 

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