Injured. Chapter 4.

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"you can sleep on the small sofa, your small enough" Levi said coldly and took his shoes off. "your not much taller sir" mikasa said coldly and took her shoes off. "what was that mikasa" Levi said and raised his voice. "i didnt say anything sir" mikasa said and smirked on the inside. "sure whatever little brat" Levi said and rolled his eyes. "im going to sleep now sir" mikasa said as she started to walk to the sofa. "no wait let me put a towel on the sofa first, i dont want you making it messy" Levi said and got a towel. "im going to have a wash so sleep" Levi said and went to his washroom that joined to his room. "sure dont drown shorty" mikasa said and smirked a little. "what did you just say little brat" Levi said giving little mikasa a death stare. "oh nothing sir, i just said night" mikasa said and jumped on the sofa. Levi shut the door and started the shower so it warm up. 

Levi washed and just put PJ bottoms on as he sleeps shirtless. (everyone who loves Levi your welcome). Levi opened the door slowly as mikasa should be sleeping by now. As Levi opened the door his eyes became wide with shock at the sight he now saw. The towel he put on the sofa and drenched in blood, mikasa blood. Levi didnt realised how fuck up mikasa was and see that the towel was still drowning in her blood, mikasa was injured really bad and still was bleeding. "m-mikasa" Levi managed to say still shocked. "yes sir" mikasa said sitting up like nothing wrong. "how the hell can she act normal with so much blood lost and those injuries. i know she strong and brave but this has to be killing her right" Levi thought as he just look at mikasa. Then he saw it in her eyes, she was in so much pain but was hiding it for others sake.

"you idiot brat" Levi said with a little anger. "sorry sir but what did i do now" mikasa asked puzzled. "you messed up my towel with your blood get in my wash room now" Levi said with anger and ordered her to go. "yes sir" mikasa said with a little anger, even if she in a kid form she still stubborn. "i know mikasa dont like to worry others so i act as im angry at her making a bloody mess and not about how fuck up she is" Levi thought and sighed. "what now sir" mikasa asked just standing there. "strip" Levi said without realising what he now said. "what the hell creep" mikasa yelled. "what no not like that" Levi tried to say as he now realised how he said it. "sure you creep" mikasa said rolling her eyes. "just strip, we need to clean those cuts and look at your burns mikasa" Levi said as he got his first aid kit. "but what will i ware these are all bloody" mikasa said looking down at how much blood she lost. "give them to me and i clean them, but it take a day" Levi said crossing his arms. "but what will i ware in the morning" mikasa said with no express as usual. "we think of that later, now undress so i can wash you" Levi said a little embarrassed.

"turn around i was myself i dont want you seeing me naked creep" mikasa said crossing her arms. "mikasa you have no boobs your a kid, so why are you embarrassed" Levi said getting a little pissed as she keeps calling him a creep. "why the hell what you say that creep" mikasa said giving him a death stare. "its true you have no boobs" Levi said giving her a death stare back. "only a creep would see if a girl had boobs or not" mikasa said back. "fine clean and banged yourself up, i give up" Levi said as he walked out. "fine" mikasa said and crossed her arms. 

"how hard can it be as a kid, i do it all the time as an adult" mikasa said but as soon as she looked up she found a problem. "shit why the hell is the shower head up there" mikasa said with anger. "is there a problem" Levi shouted smirking as he knew he put the shower head up high. "nope no problem" mikasa shouted back. "ok just call when your done and i banged up your arm and legs" Levi shouted still smirking. "yeah whatever" mikasa yelled back.#

"you can do this mikasa" mikasa said to herself and climbed up the sink next to he shower. "shit" mikasa said as she slipped but luckily she didnt fall. "what the hell is she doing" Levi said and went to check on her. "hehe i nearly got it" mikasa said with a smirk. "wow you really are stubborn at any age mikasa" Levi said and made mikasa jump, mikasa then slipped and fell. "fuck" mikasa yelled as she landed hard on the floor. "are you ok mikasa" Levi asked with a little worry after seeing how hard she fell. "im super sir" mikasa said sarcastic. "good then" Levi said sarcastic. "are you going to laugh or not even tho this is your fault i fell" mikasa said and sat up. "just sit still" Levi said in a clam voice and mikasa liked the sound of it. "hey you ok" Levi notice how clamed mikasa went and he did enjoy it a little. "im fine just clean my wounds please" mikasa said looking away. "fine stay still" Levi said and help wash mikasa wounds.

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