Taken! Chapter 7.

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"huh where am i" mikasa woke up scared as she found herself on a cold damp floor in an unknown room. The room was empty with an iron door locked shut and a small window with bars. "think mikasa what happened" mikasa tried to think but her head was hurting like crazy like she was drugged. 

"MIKASA" mikasa thought she heard Levi yell her name and she turned to a wall. Just to see nothing. "it was in my head, like he would come save me" mikasa said as sat up looking at the small window that let a little light in. "its looks early in the morning but it cold i better move over there" mikasa said and sat under the window in the light. "think mikasa what happened after the man took you in the woods" mikasa was thinking hard. "give up girl that drug made you forget stuff and knocks you out good" a man said on the other side of the door. "who are you and why tell me" little mikasa asked nervous. "i seen a lot of people go crazy here and i just dont want to see a little girl lose hope as well" the man said and mikasa heard him sigh. "look little girl, i dont know why your here but you seem kind. I dont want you to be changed just because the boss needs you in his plan" the man said and knocked on the door slightly. "oh yeah im still in a kid form, they dont know im an adult inside" mikasa thought and grinned. "why dont you let me go or quick the work" mikasa asked hoping she can trick him.

"your kidding right, do you know how hard it is to find a soldier that not to do being a soldier" the man said with anger. "what do you mean" mikasa asked puzzled. "if your not a soldier there only little jobs to do that pays enough" the man said and he lent on the door. "enough" mikasa said in a cute kids way. "yeah i have 2 boy and a little girl but my wife died, so i have to look after them and get enough food on the table" the man voice went sad. "oh i see so your only doing this to keep your children living" mikasa said and looked down to her feet. "yeah i tried bars, shops and other jobs but fully booked or looking for other men" the man said in a sad tone. "oh i see so you had no choice but this job" mikasa said and she never knew how bad the work got since she joined the Survey Scouts. "well would you take any job or watch you children die on the streets" the man said and then suddenly jumped up. "what wrong sir" mikasa said worried. "quick kid get up and dont talk or he hit you" the man said then went silent. "let me in" a voice said and mikasa heard the door unlock. 

"hello mikasa miss me" Kenny said with a smile. "who are you" mikasa said a scared child way hoping she could use her child acts. "give the act up, im the man who kidnapped you" Kenny laughed. "what do you want from me" mikasa said standing up. "well i been told you super strong and important so why not join and help me" Kenny said putting a hand out. "no sorry but i joined the Survey Scouts" mikasa yelled and slapped his arm. "wow even as a kid your still a bitch" Kenny laughed and mikasa became shocked. "your the man who been following me all this time" mikasa said shocked. "yep and i turned you into this child form" Kenny laughed hard. "why" mikasa said taking a step forward. "well i knew i never get you when your strong" Kenny stopped and looked over at mikasa. "well i looked into your past and you were a good little girl so i thought it be easy to catch you as a child" Kenny laughed and walked over to mikasa who stood in shocked by his words. "you know but how that past was hidden" mikasa was shocked and felt sick. "of course who do you think was meant to help the guys inside the second walls underground" Kenny laughed and pat mikasa head. "no only eren can do that" mikasa yelled and jumped away. "oh right the eren boy" Kenny laughed in a evil. "i would love to see how he help you now and for him to go titan" Kenny said with a smirk as he left the room.

"where are you, please hurry im scared" mikasa said as tears fell.


"Levi..... captain Levi" eren yelled as they found the passed out captain in open woods. "what happened and where mikasa" Armin said worried. "stand back this wake him up" hanji said and opened a jar of rotten smells. "what the hell" Levi said and sat up quick. "are you ok Levi" Hanji said looking him over. "im fine i just got hit hard" Levi said as he raised his hand to his head. "where mikasa please captain tell me she ok" Armin said with tears ready to fall. "Kenny took her" Levi said looing pissed off. "what where, we got to go save her" eren yelled in anger. "calm done eren, we help her soon but first Levi" hanji said still checking Levi head. "no mikasa wont hold her strong side well in a kidnapping captain hanji, its her weakness" Armin said looking away with tears. "you look fine Levi, just a little bruise" Hanji said with a small smile. "thanks and what do you mean mikasa not good in a kidnapping, she super strong right" Levi said puzzled. "she is but her parents died when she was a kid and the men tried to sell her off but i saved her and we both killed men that day" eren said looking away. "so what that should make her angry and fight" Levi said still puzzled. "nope mikasa cant handle it her past hunts her and needs me or eren to help save her" Armin said with tears. "as she in a kid form it be worse cause it be like reliving hell" eren said with tears. "i understand but how come when you or Armin gets kidnapped so often is she so calm" Levi asked looking at the boys who gave each other a smile. "because we her boys and she not the victim" Armin giggled a little. "her boys" Levi said worried. "yes she would never let her boys get hurt she cross the world to save us from hell" eren said with a smile and hugged Armin. 

"looks like her boys will have to save her now" Eren said with a smile. "yep lets go save her demon" Armin smiled and the got on there horse. "hanji can you track the men footsteps" Levi asked as he climbed on his horse. "yep should be easy lets go save mikasa" hanji said in a crazy way. "oh and as we ride i want to know the story to go with mikasa being nicknamed the demon thats an order" Levi said with a hidden smirk. "yes captain" eren and Armin said a little scared. "im coming mikasa hold on please" Levi thought as he looked up to the sky. 


"oh come on mikasa nothing" Kenny said as he hit mikasa harder and mikasa still had her plan face. "sorry but i wont lose to you" mikasa spat blood at Kenny. "then i guess i find out how much blood lost a little girls body can handle" Kenny laughed and the rest of the night Kenny touched little girl mikasa all night non stop in so m

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