A story! Chapter 6.

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"we be heading out soon im so nervous" Armin said worrying a little. "dont worry Armin you be fine, your smart you let them eat jean while you run for it" mikasa joked and they boys laughed even jean. "yeah well I bet I taste better then eren did" jean joked. "but I thought titans dont eat horses" eren joked back and they began to fight. "well im out of luck as using jean as bait now" Armin said as a joke. "oi brats stop fighting we be going soon" Levi yelled from his horse. "soldiers get on your horse we be going in 2 minutes" Erwin shouted at the front. "are you sure you be ok mikasa" jean asked worried. "im be fine, you all stay safe out there" mikasa said as she took a step back. "hey I see you soon ok mikasa, save me a seat in the dinner room" eren said and smiled. "oh come here" mikasa said and they all hugged, mikasa even let jean join the hug. "hurry up brats" Levi yelled and they all climbed on there horse. "hey jean if your lucky the horse might date you" eren joked. "I still be picking up more girls then you ever would eren" jean shouted back. "wow true like we need to going on dates or something eren, the only girl we hang out with is mikasa" Armin said with a worried smile. "and what's so bad about me" Mikasa said crossing her little arms.

"nothing sorry mikasa" Armin said nervous. "yeah your the best girl ever mikasa and very pretty" jean said blushing. "I wouldn't swap you for any other girl, well maybe a model I guess" eren laughed. "hey" mikasa yelled in a joking way and they all giggled. "remember if something happens while we gone go to the soldiers on guard" Levi said riding near mikasa. "yeah I know there at least 4 soldiers who be left here to protect the injured" mikasa said rolling her eyes. "hey im just making sure you know where to go brat" Levi yelled back. "I be fine, enjoy going on the mission and killing titans" mikasa said as she folded her arms. "why you brat go to the hospital cabin now" Levi yelled in anger and it shocked everyone. "fine I rather see the injured then stand here with you any longer" mikasa said as she walked away. Everyone was still shocked and felt nervous. "soldiers move out" Erwin shouted and they all rid out.


"oh hello you must be the kid, captain Levi told me about" a doctor said turning to mikasa. "hello where do you want me to go" mikasa said looking at all the injured from last mission or who had accidents this week. "oh you can sit by the window if you want" the doctor said pointing over at the window. "thanks" mikasa sat and was able to see her friends leave as they were at the back. "help me doctor it hurts so much" a man mission a leg yelled out in pain. "im sorry but I cant give you anything else or you die" the doctor said as he walked to another soldier. "hey would you like to listen to a story, it might help" mikasa said as she stood next to the man yelling in pain. "sure little miss" the man said and smiled the best he could. "great, I been told im very good reading stories" mikasa said and smiled. 

During the story the man fell asleep and the doctor thank mikasa. "hey little miss can you read another please" a different man said. "oh please do, we feel better listening to you" a women said and lots of soldiers started to aske and praise her. "ok listen up everyone" miksas said with a smile and the soldiers smiled back. "just make sure you dont over work the little girl now" the doctor said as he helped an injured soldier. "we wont" they all yelled and smiled. After 2 hours mikasa told every story she could think off and ran out of story to say. Must of the soldiers fell asleep but t here were still some awake in pain. "hey little girl could you keep reading please" a injured women said, she was all rolled up in a ball. "sure but let me get a story book from my room" mikasa said as she jump down from the window. "oh no you dont, I was told to make sure you dont leave this hospital" the doctor said as he stood in front of the door. "why dont you come with me" mikasa asked so she could still get the book. "im the only doctor here I cant leave these soldiers" the doctor said pointing at 50 injured soldiers. "oh right, I go tell them I ran out of stories" mikasa said looking at he ground. "I take her doctor, its fine" a male soldier said walking out of the dark part of the room. "wait your" mikasa was stopped by the soldier. "hi im captain mike" mike said with a smile. "wow your friends with captain Levi and captain hanji" mikasa said shocked. "yes, you really know a lot dont you little girl" mike said with a smile. "yeah like you sniff people and you can tell loads about that person only after one sniff" mikasa said with a smile. "yes thats true, now lets get going" mike said and opened the door but sniffed mikasa as she walked out without her knowing.

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