Tracking. Chapter 8.

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"oh still no expression mikasa  after all this torture" Kenny said still shocked that mikasa dead expression. "i will never give in to your torture" mikasa said with no expression and spat at Kenny feet. Most of Kenny men left as they don't like the idea of hurting a little girl do Kenny let them leave, even though mikasa might be in a little girl body but she still adult. "haha you really pissing me off mikasa" Kenny joked and pick up a nail. "lets see how deep this nail can go in your foot shall me" Kenny said walking over to mikasa who was injured all over already by all his torturing. "go on i dont care you cant hurt me anymore" mikasa said with anger. "oh fine then i just use a different way" Kenny said as he nailed the nail in mikasa foot. "all done mikasa, men bring him in" Kenny shouted at the door. "yes sir" a man said running away. "what are you planning" mikasa yelled. "oh well if i cant hurt you i hurt one of your friends to make you hurt" Kenny laughed. "no" mikasa yelled as she saw them drag in Marco who was tied up. "mikasa" Marco said in shock. 

"Marco, what the hell let him go Kenny" mikasa yelled with anger. "oh that had a little kick in your voice im going to enjoy this" Kenny laughed and they tied Marco to a chair. "dont please he got nothing to do with my past Kenny just use me" mikasa yelled scared. "oh really then show me some tears mikasa" Kenny yelled. "tears why do you want my tears" mikasa asked shocked. "to prove your dead inside and your wear so your not 1/2 strong soldiers in the world" Kenny said laughing. "mikasa dont worry im fine" Marco yelled as he guess why he was bought in this. "you have a son right his name loke" Kenny cut in with a smirk. "huh leave my son alone" Marco said scared. "fine Kenny you win" mikasa said hoping to save Marco and his son. Mikasa couldn't let her new friends that cared for her even if she was a monster. She wouldn't let non of them get hurt so she gave up. 

"oh really see i knew you were still that scared little girl from the past" Kenny laughed. "i been keeping it and hiding it inside for so long im scared i want to cry and run away" mikasa stopped and looked up. "i tried to stay away from love and friends so i wont have to see another family die and leave me but i was wrong" mikasa took a breath and Kenny looked shocked. "i needed a family who i know would take care of me and fight to live like i do" mikasa yelled. "im not strong if im alone im strong when i know i still have them" mikasa yelled and broke out the ropes. "but people like you and my past tries to kill me everyday even when i close my eyes, so i never be free but" mikasa stop and stood still. "but what" Kenny was a little scared. "i will fight to live to be free even if everyone fly's away i will always try to protect then no matter what" mikasa said looking up with tears. "m-mikasa your crying" Marco said shocked to see mikasa cry. "wow you can cry" Kenny said falling to his tears. "yes i can im still human thats what my family always tell even when im a monster" mikasa shouted and grabbed Kenny ear. "now change me back to my normal side or i will kill you like i did your men in the past and still strong even in child form" mikasa said and fear struck Kenny.

"haha mikasa you really are a demon from hell" Kenny laughed. "yes a demon stuck in a child form so change me back" little mikasa hissed. "fine, men get the cure for mikasa" Kenny yelled. "sorry Marco and how did i you know it was still me as a child" Mikasa said impressed. "your eyes mikasa, your eyes are still filled with pain" Marco said as he hug her. "jean told you as well didnt he" mikasa said with a smile. "yes he did but i never got to see you as i live in the walls with my son" Marco smiled and stood up. "sir we have it" a man yelled. "give it to her" Kenny said still sitting on the floor. "yes sir here you go little girl" the man said. "thank you um Marco help me with this" mikasa asked as the needle was bigger the her child hand. "sure here you go mikasa" Marco said with a smile. 


"yes im back to my normal size" mikasa said with a smile. "oh um mikasa you out grown your dress" Marco said turning away. "shit not again, hey you man get me some pants and a skirt" mikasa yelled with anger and the man ran off. "wow you scared my man away" Kenny said shocked. "yes and you better be closing your eyes old man" mikasa said worried. "i am yikes" Kenny said worried. "here you go miss" the man said then ran away. "wow they fit cool" mikasa said with a cold expression. "well lets go Marco" mikasa said and Marco smile. "sure my boy be missing me" Marco said walking out the door.

"wait mikasa your just going to leave me here" Kenny was shocked. "yes if i killed you my past or feelings wont change so enjoy living a hell" mikasa said and walked out. "hey mikasa can i ask you something" Marco asked worried. "sure" mikasa said with no expression. "how the hell can you wall when your so fucked up" Marco said shocked but how messed up mikasa was by the torture. "because i can, hey Marco dont tell anyone about today please" mikasa said looking up to the sky to see its night. "sure dont worry i wont tell" Marco said and they stop at some horses. "well this is where we say goodbye stay safe" mikasa said as they jump on a horse. "yeah bye hope you get to camp ok" Marco said with a smile. "dont worry i will not get home to loke" mikasa said and the both ride of different ways.


"hey who is that over there captains" jean said pointing. "MIKASA" Levi yelled seeing her ride back. "hey guys sorry to worry you" mikasa said with no expression. "mikasa your back to normal wow" hanji said looking her over. "what the hell happen mikasa your all messed up" eren shouted shocked by what he saw. "im fine trust me that man wouldn't bother us ever again" mikasa said and smiled. "wow mikasa smiling i missed that smile" eren said with a smile. "yeah she not smile since we were kids at the river" Armin smiled and hugged her. "dont get use to it, lets go home" mikasa said hugging eren and Armin back. "good idea" Armin said with a smile. "well camp only 10minutes away lets ride" hanji said and they started to ride.

"im glad your back mika" Levi said and smiled. "yeah me 2 im sorry if i worried you Levi" mikasa said worried. "dont worry a hit on head wont get me that easy" Levi said as a joke. "oh yeah you got his bad is your head ok can i help anyway" mikasa asked looking worried. "yes you can mikasa" Levi said stopping his and mikasa horse. "what" mikasa was stopped by Levi kissing her. "well we better get you to camp" Levi said ridding away. "hehe sure and if i remember that hit knocked you out so you cant be that strong" mikasa joked. "oh im so gonna get you now mikasa your not a kid so i can hit hard" Levi said joking. "try and catch me Levi" mikasa said and ride faster. "yikes those two changes so much" jean said. "i cant believe Levi kissed mikasa" eren said shocked. "wait did i now lose mikasa to Levi" jean said with tears. "they are so cute" Armin said with a big smile. "i think they gonna go far in there love life maybe marry and have children" Hanji giggled. "wait marry" jean said with anger. "wait children" erne said with anger. "yikes clam down no one can beat Levi for mikasa love" Armin said with a smile. 


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