Training! Chapter 5.

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"who the kid" "she so kid" "why is a kid outside the walls its not safe" was all what mikasa could hear when she walked past other soldiers. "hey mikasa you ok" eren said looking at little mikasa as he knew she hate people staring at her. "im fine dont worry" mikasa said still looking down at the floor. "hey mikasa who do you want to train with me or eren" Armin asked with a sweet smile. "hey she can train with me as well" jean said a little happy. "no way, you just try and look up her dress" eren said and they began fighting. "why not you and eren" mikasa said with a small hidden smile. "that be hard as one of us will be partnered with jean" Armin said with a smile. "i better take eren so they dont fight" mikasa said looking away. "listen up brats training will start soon" Levi shouted and all soldiers turned to listen. 

"oh hey shorty" Hanji yelled with a smile. "oh great its you shitty 4 eyes" Levi said back rolling his eyes. "oh and who is this cute little girl" hanji said pretending she didnt know what happened. "you should know you did this" jean yelled back. "haha i know, you very cute and weak child mikasa" hanji said in a crazy way and Levi slapped her head. "you can look and fix her but no tests" Levi said with a cold voice. "fine" Hanji said in a grumps. "wait today commander Erwin joining out training" Armin said worried. "oh no this is gonna go bad" Mikasa said kicking a stone. "what will we tell the commander" Eren said worried. "tell me what" Erwin said standing behind eren. "oh crap" jean said and took a step back. "oh commander Erwin" eren said and jean, Armin, mikasa and eren saluted him. 

"at ease and Levi, hanji what is today training" Erwin said not noticing mikasa. "ok i know im short but come on" mikasa whispered and Levi smirked at her. Levi mouthed "shorty brat" and then turned back to Erwin. "oh we be doing hand to hand combat" Levi said with his normal cold voice. "oh this will be fun, i wonder if anyone will take on mikasa again" Hanji giggling. "thats right where is mikasa Armin" Erwin asked looking around. "oh for fuck sake" mikasa said in a little voice and everyone laughs as she still not been noticed. "oh mikasa she um" Armin was stopped by eren. "she not feeling so good, so she laying down" eren said as he knew Armin a horrible liar. "oh i see, well this is bad she one of our top soldiers" Erwin said looking down. As commander Erwin and captain Levi talked hanji sneaked over to little mikasa. 

"hey little mikasa" hanji said hugging her from behind. "eep" escaped mikasa and eren quickly took a step forward. "let her go hanji" eren said with anger. "now is that how you talk to a captain" hanji said holding little mikasa tighter. "ouch your holing me to tight " mikasa said as her injuries began to hurt more. "please captain hanji let her go, we sorry for raising our voice" Armin said with a kind smile. "nope she just so cute, i just want to chop her up and eat her" Hanji said with a crazy smile. "you already tried this yesterday" Mikasa said in pain. "hanji your hurting her" jean yelled and soldiers turned to see. At that monument eren and jean was pulling on captain hanji arms to let mikasa escaped and Armin was ready to catch mikasa. "captain Hanji" Erwin said with anger and that made her jump so she let go off mikasa. 

"i got her" Armin said with relief. "are you ok mikasa" eren said worried and hugging mikasa with Armin. "im fine, i have breath now thank god" mikasa said breathing back to normal. "yikes captain hanji crazy" jean said panting a little. "no shit have you seen what she did to me" mikasa said sarcastic. "oi brats is she ok" Levi yelled and they forgot Commandeer Erwin was there. "dont worry captain creep im fine, you can still be a captain creep" Mikasa said with a smirk. "oh your so dead brat" Levi said as his eye twitched. "how is hanji so strong" eren said still panting a little. "yeah if commander speak, she still be holding mikasa" Armin said with a relief smile. "wait commander Erwin oh crap" jean said as they all remember he still there. "so who will explain" Erwin said crossing his arms and the other soldiers still watching. "so um Armin you want to take this" jean said with a nervous smile. "hey why me, why not eren or the captains" Armin said putting his hands up. "hey keep me out of this" eren said putting his and up. "hanji why dont you tell him the truth" Levi said crossing his arms. "im good thanks" Hanji said crossing her arms. "someone tell me or i pick someone" Erwin said with anger. 

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