Chapter 9

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"Hey, Ka-chan" Minato mumbles quietly.

Nanami looks down. "What is it, Mina-Chan?"

"Why did Kushina look so happy when she found out she was being targeted? It doesn't make sense... did I miss something?"
Minato looks confused.

Nanami shakes her head. "I have no idea. Maybe it the Uzumaki blood in her..."

Minato still doesn't understand but leaves the conversation at that.

"Let's just get the guest ready for her, right ka-chan?"
His eyes twinkle at this, causing Nanami to laugh and nod.

"A whole platoon of Anbu gone?! HOW COULD YOU LET THIS HAPPEN!"
A man with dark skin and blond hair yelled at a woman with raven locks.

"My apologies Raikage-sama but they were all taken out by a unknown shinobi."
The Raikage takes this in. His breath evening out.

"Is that so? Put this Shinobi in our Bingo books. Describe everything you know. I send you the rest later. You are dismissed."

The raven haired woman nodded and walked away.

The Raikage lets out a soft chuckle. "They must be a powerful shinobi to be able to take out an entire platoon. Depending on the gender we can either turn them into a breeding bitch, or force them into impregnating many strong females."

A gleam appears in the Raikage's eyes. "Yes. That will do.


Kushina has just finished packing her bags, and thanks her current guardians for taking care of her all this time.

She sits patiently outside the house waiting for Nanami to arrive.

She spots a flash of Scarlett hair and jumps up. "Miss Nanami!" A bright smile takes over her face.

"Hello Kushina. You ready to go?"

"Yes! Let's go!!" She cheers.

"Okay hold on to my arms. We're going to teleport there. It feels weird the first couple times but you'll get use to it". Nanami explains as Kushina takes her hand.

"Okay, I'm ready".

Nanami actives the seal she'd place on her front door, and both Uzumaki disappeared in a Scarlett flash.

Namikaze Household

"Ka-chan, I finished cleaning the guest room!" A excited Minato runs through the hallways to greet his mother and friend.

Nanami spread her arms out letting Minato jump in them. "Thank you Minato. Why don't you take Kushina to her room?"

Nanami releases the blond as he jumps back and smiles. "Okay! Let's go Kushina-chan!" He tugs Kushina by her arm dragging her away.

Nanami watches them go, and smiles at herself. "He's such a cutie pie!!!"

Nanami than froze. 'My baby becomes such a scary man in the future... Nooo my adorable innocent baby'

"Woof" A loud bark comes from outside snapping Nanami back in focus.

She opens the door cautiously, looking towards the dog sitting at her doorstep.

"Hello there pup, Why are you here?" She asks petting the dog. He wags his tail bring a note to her hand.

"What's this?" Nanami opens the note and reads the contents.

"Meet me on the Third's head."

It read.

Nanami looks down at the dog. "Should I go?" She asks him.

The dog begins to bark loudly it's tail wagging even faster. This attracts the attention of the two inside.

"Ka-Chan. It something wrong?" Minato asks walking to his mother's side with Kushina following him.

Nanami nods. "Yep. I need to go out, you two stay safe okay?" Gaining positive replies back she dissolves into a whirlwind of flames.

"I wish I could do that" Minato whined staring at the spot his mother was last standing.

Kushina walks besides him. "Me too. Me too".

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