Chapter 15

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Akira's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "What exactly would this new purpose be?"

Nanami merely rolled her eyes at his serious tone. "It can store Chakra. Basically, It works like that diamond seal you see on Tsunade's forehead, but it's kind of like a cheat where you don't need delicate Chakra control to create the mark but instead the seal will do it for you." She explained pulling his arm towards her.

"How are you so good with seals?"

Smiling softly she answered "I'm an Uzumaki. It's in my blood."

Biting her thumb to draw out blood she lets three drops into the ink and mixes it. She dips her brush in the ink painted the seal on his arm but the texture of the seal was different than the original. The moment the ink had touched his skin it seem to glow slightly.

Pulling away from his arm, Nanami admired her work. "It's a little different texture due to my blood being added the ink but it was necessary. The area with the visible seals may feel weird sort of like velvet but it just means that the seal is working so don't worry too much about it".

Akira really didn't know what he was suppose to say. So he just settled for a simple thanks before making his leave.

Nanami watched his retreat with a single thought in her mind. 'How did he die?'.

Shaking her head of these thoughts she turns around to make her way back home. But then a random though entered her head. She was made a Sannin right? but there was only one of her and didn't Hanzo come up with the name? did she mess up the timeline just by appearing?!

Landing through the window into the house. She let's out a small gasp and the adorable sight of Minato and Kushina cuddled up on the couch together.

"They must of been waiting for me to come back home" she says to herself smiling brightly at her children.

Nanami walks towards them quietly and lifts them both up cuddling them into her arms. Putting them to bed causing Minato to stir awake.

"Mother? you're back?"

She hums in response patting his head. "Yes, now go back asleep Minato."

Minato pouts. "But I'm not tired anymore."

Nanami pretends the ponder giving him a teasing grin. "How about I tell you a story then."

Minato instantly cheers up accidentally giving a loud cheer of "YES!" thus causing Kushina to awaken with a sudden jolt. Sitting up Kushina looks around confused before falling back onto the bed soft snores could be heard coming from her.

Nanami inwardly sighs as Minato begins to apologizes profoundly.

Shaking her hand in a dismal manner she tells him it's find and to just listen to the story.

"A long time ago there was a team of three gennin. A raven haired avenger, A pink haired fangirl and a hyper blond knucklehead. Together with their scarecrow Sensei they were known as Team 7, they were the best team that had ever excisted..." Nanami began as she told her son all about her missions with her team retelling her first C-rank mission gone wrong and how she learnt from them.

The bad and the good she told it all to him, all under the guise of a simple story.

"Then at the end, they became the most unstoppable team ever" she finishes just as soft little snores started to escape from the little blond's mouth.

Sweet Dreams.


I'm sooo sorry that I haven't been updating. But I frankly have no idea where I' going with this story now so I think i'm just going to stop and actually think of a plan and what to do with this story. Wish I could of made this longer but Writers block.

But I gotta shout out to @DanielTran367 because I found out that I totally forgot that I even had a Wattpad acount and they had reminded me. So the reason that I'm writing again is because of them so check them out and their story.

- Kitty

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