Sample of the story: Prologue

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Here's the prologue that I wrote. Hope you like it! Will be posting the first Chapter and the Prologue in a new book tomorrow. I put the link in the comments if that possible.

"SAKURA!"two voices shout in unison seeing the pink-haired girl get flung away from the Rabbit Goddess.

Naruto reached out to her, his chakra forming into a large hand to catch her to prevent her from falling into the boiling magma below.

It was just the three of them against the Goddess.

Naruto tried to sense for his friends, the others that had fought in the war with them... Anybody.

But... he felt... nothing.

Everyone, even Kakashi was caught in Juubi's last attack, swallowed up by the buds in the tree.

Tossing Sakura back towards Sasuke, he stared at his palm. The sun stared back at him as if asking what was he waiting for?

He could feel it, The Six Path Senjutsu flowing through his body smoothly and like gentle waves waiting to become a tsunami and wash everything away.

He needed both Sasuke and Sakura to work with him. They only had one shot to make this. To save everyone.

He turned back to tell the two of the plan he made when he saw it. A moving shadow heading straight towards Sasuke, the teen in question distracted by something Sakura was saying.

There wasn't enough time. He was too far to stop this attack.

Naruto wasn't thinking his body moved on its own, he used a simple Justu. So easy and simple that he learned it back in the academy. He used the Substitution Jutsu.

He felt it before he saw it. A black arm piercing his chest, almost mirroring the time back at the valley of the end.

But this time it went straight through his heart.

Looking into the soulless eyes of Black Zetsu, Naruto's world faded to black.

Unable to hear the cries from his two friends.

--Line Break-

"Naruto. Kit. WAKE UP" Kurama's loud voice boomed within the sewers and Naruto had come to associate with his mind.

"K-Kurama? What's happening? Did I die?!" Naruto gasped grasping at his chest which was surprising holeless.

The large fox glared down onto the human his black lips raised in a scowl.

"What were you thinking?!" He all but shouted. "Taking a blow for the Uchiha brat?!"

The Bijuu's paw slammed down near Naruto.

Naruto smiled cheerfully. "Aw. You do care!" Making the large fox puff up in anger.

"What affects you, affects me too! Now you're dead, and the seal will fall apart soon."

Kurama's words cause Naruto to look around. "Wait. I thought I was dead, how are we in my mindscape then?"

Kurama huffed. "Did you not hear what I said? I told you we're in the Seal. I dragged your soul here; we don't have long until the seal destroys us."

Naruto looks at Kurama in confusion. "Aren't I just going to fade away then? What was the point in dragging my soul here?"

Kurama sighs loudly and tells Naruto to shut up. "I'm getting there. There's this Jutsu that Mito was dabbling in before her death. I told it upon myself to improve it. It was a space-time ninjutsu, but it would only work if I worked with her, which obviously I wouldn't."

This made Naruto even more confused and it showed on his face because Kurama looked deadpan at him.

"It would only work if I used the Jutsu to send the target back in time, but the catch was the target needed to be dead with their soul trapped in limbo for the Jutsu to work without repercussions. As the Jutsu purpose was the send the user's soul and Chakra while it would mingle with mine, theoretically creating a body made entirely of Chakra for them as the human body wouldn't be able to survive the process of going back in time."

Kurama then turned his head away from Naruto, avoiding the Blonde's shocked gaze.

"I wouldn't mind leaving my Chakra to you"

Naruto couldn't accept it though. "Wait. You sending me back in time?! What will happen to you?!"

Kurama grins wearily. "Three possible things will happen to me, Kit."

Holding one of his furry fingers up he explains, "Possibility one: After the Jutsu completely dispels my Chakra into you, I simply vanish."

Holding up two fingers now, he continues, "Possibility two: Whatever is left of me also goes back in time and I merge with my past self"

Now holding up three fingers, he finishes off with "and finally possibility three: This Jutsu causes us to merge and turns you into a Bijuu.

Naruto looked like he wanted to deny Kurama's offer but the fox cuts him off before he can speak.

"Kit. Using this Jutsu is the only way for you to live. We'll both disappear soon anyway if we don't but at least you are guaranteed to live while there's a chance that I'll be there too."

Kurama then shot for Naruto's weak spot. "You want to save everyone... don't you?"

Naruto was stunned at the words of his friend, but the fox had a point.

Smiling widely at the fox, Naruto agrees.

Kurama smiles back, his hand forming seals, the sewers break away leaving them in a plain where they were standing on water? The sky seemly mirrored the water.


Kurama mouths something that Naruto can barely make out his hearing suddenly gone. His mind was fading as a rush of energy entered him surrounding him like a typhoon.

But he was pretty sure that Kurama said something. "Sorry if there are side effects?" What the hell was that supposed to mean? Wait they never decided on what date he wanted to return.

Naruto wasn't given enough time to ponder this more as his world faded to black a second time.

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