Chapter 11

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A dark figure moves within the village of Konoha stealthily.

The figure wore what seemed to be an anbu suit with a blank mask white mask.

They move swiftly through the darken village not a single light on.

Yet single house stood out to the figure. A mansion that was coated by a feint pulse of chakra.

They found it unsettling so went towards the protected house.

The House was surrounded by seals. Advance seals. 'Is this where that red head woman lives? She must be an Uzumaki.

I must report this to lord Danzo'

And with that thought the figure left in a swirl of leafs.

Meanwhile Sapphire eyes locked on to the spot the figure had disappeared.

'Danzo' A single name was enough to cause scarlet hair to fly around her wildly.

Two children watched as their mother figure turn into what looked to be the scariest thing they ever saw. They knew they could both agree on one thing.

'Never make Nanami angry'

"Umm, ka-chan? Are you... okay?" Minato ask quietly not wanting to direct his mother's rage at himself.

Nanami seeing the two seem to be in distress tried to calm down. "I'm sorry for losing control like that. I'm fine just old memories coming back to haunt me."

The children nodded. Both walked to each side of Nanami.
"It's okay" Kushina started.
"We're with you" Minato finished.

A smile graced Nanami face, pulling the two into a hug she whispered sincerely. "Thank you".


The figure in Black appeared before a man with dull brown hair and eyes.

"Lord Danzo, the woman who claims their name is Nanami Namikaze, acts more like an Uzumaki. Her house seems to be surrounded in protective seals."

Danzo eyes narrowed as the root anbu describes the seals around the house.

"Are you sure that's what they looked like?" He asks his calm tone betrayed the flash of anger in his eyes.

"Yes, my lord" Danzo huffs in frustration. "Dismissed" and with that the root anbu disappears.

"That woman is dangerous."
-----Time Skip---
"Nanami!" Hiruzen growls annoyances flooding his voice.

In his hand he held a bingo book, facing it towards Nanami. "You said you took care of them!"

There in front of Nanami's face was a very ambiguous description of a person.

Name: Unknown
Alias: Scarlett Reaper
Age: Unknown
Recognizable Traits: White Anbu Fox mask. Scarlett Hair presumed to be an Uzumaki. Fights using Advanced Sealing techniques.

Chakra Control: N/A
Genjutsu: N/A
Ninjutsu: N/A
Taijutsu: N/A

Criminal Rank: S
Status: Alive
Organization: N/A
Last seen near: Presumed to be around the fire country.

Wanted for: Destroying and kill a whole platoon of Kumo ANBU.

Orders: Alive Only
Bounty: 1000,000r

Other known information
Is able to take out fully seasoned ANBU with just seals and explosive tags.

Note: If see alone flee on sight. Only try to capture if present with whole platoon.

Nanami laughs nervously. " I can explain?"

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