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I've already discarded three people from the list, I know it's not much but at least I'm narrowing it down, I'm planning on checking on the guys' physical condition tomorrow in P.E., I haven't been in that class the whole week because Liz has some committee meetings and she drags me with her.

Harry is definitely not him, I saw him at the school at the same time Spider-Man was saving people from the fire.

I met another guy called Charlie Weiderman, he's way too tall to be him and he doesn't have the attitude of an apparent superhero.

The last one I crossed out was Edward Leeds, he doesn't fit the physical description of Spider-Man.

That is all I have for this week, I'll email you next Friday with what I found out in P.E. class.

-Rose Osborn

Roe clicked send and the email disappeared out of her inbox to appear in Norman's. She closed the laptop and went to sleep.


All five girls entered the changing rooms, Liz and her friends: Gwen, Michelle, and Mary Jane had physical education together. They changed into their less fashionable uniform: a blue T-shirt with the school logo and yellow shorts, and walked towards the school gymnasium.

The coach made them sit in the bleachers, as he placed an old looking television in front of them. Rose was sitting next to Michelle, who wouldn't care less about the lesson and had brought a book with her instead.

"Hi, I'm Captain America," the face of the super soldier dressed in his retro 40s uniform appeared on the screen with a cheerful speech, "whether you're in the classroom or on the battlefield, fitness can be the difference between success and failure," the coach was standing tiredly next to the TV and looked at it like he had seen that video so many times he could recite it by memory, "today my good friend, your gym teacher, will conduct the Captain America Fitness Challenge!"

"Thank you, Captain. Pretty sure he's a war criminal, but I have to show these videos. It's required by the State," he told the screen and the group.

The coach paired up the students and Rose ended up with the blonde girl from the committee named Betty, he made two groups and made one do the challenge while the other rested, sadly for her, having her group do it first.

She ended up sweaty and annoyed, the coach whistled and her group went to sit on the bleachers to rest while the other one got up and began. Liz had received a phone call and was outside answering.

She wasn't paying attention to whatever the group was talking about, she was just looking at the weakest and slimmest guys in the class and trying to catch their names to cross them out.

"King! You call that a squat?" Coach Wilson yelled.

"I'm tired, coach," he cried.

"I don't care."

Carl King, out. She crossed the name, only twenty-nine left. She kept analyzing the students, remembering a few by name, but all of them could be him.

"Maguire! Leeds! You've been doing nothing for the entire class!" He yelled again, she crossed out a second name, twenty-eight.

Liz came in suspiciously exited, she was holding her phone in her hand and a smile from ear to ear.

"Guess what, guys," she announced, "no parents for the weekend!"

"I smell party," Mary Jane said.

"I can already smell drunk guys," added Gwen.

"We can make Rose a welcome party!" Liz cheered, "what do you think?"

"I don't know, Liz," Rose answered, "the house will be alone with a lot of teenagers, doesn't it sound risky?"

"Don't worry, we've got our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man to take care of us," Mary Jane said sarcastically, "right, Liz?"

"Stop it," Liz joked, Rose made a confused face and looked at one of the girls, who explained the joke.

"Liz's got the hugest crush on Spider-Man," Betty laughed.

"Peter knows Spider-Man," someone said. The group of teens sitting on the bleachers went quiet and looked at the person who had spoken, Ned.

Rose's stomach sunk.

"No, I don't," Peter false laughed.

"They're friends," Ned spoke again, Peter looked at him like he wanted to strangle him.

"Yeah, just like Coach Wilson and Captain America are friends," Flash mocked. Peter was already red with embarrassment.

"Yeah, I've seen him a couple of times, because of the Internship" he mumbled, "we're not friends."

"That's awesome," Rose mouthed.

"Yeah, you should invite him to Liz's party tonight," Flash continued.


"I'm giving Rose a welcoming party tonight, you can come if you want," Peter and Ned looked at each other in shock.

"Don't forget to bring your personal friend Spider-Man, Parker," Flash mocked again.

"He'll be there," Ned announced, Peter was definitely going to strangle him.

"Great," Rose said with a smile.


The challenge ended and everyone was free to go change again, Rose hurried up as much as she could, and left the girls' changing rooms when the guys were leaving theirs.

She spotted Peter in the crowd and walked next to him.

"Hey Peter," she said.

"Oh hi Rose," he answered awkwardly, " ready for tonight's party?"

"I guess so," Rose decided to go straight to the point, she pulled Peter away next to some stairs no one was using, "so, between us, do you actually know Spider-Man?"


"Come on, I'm not telling you that you have to invite him to the party, I just want to know."

"I've only seen him a couple of times, on the Stark Internship."

"Stark Internship? Is that like a scholarship or something?"

"Yeah, something like that."

"That is so interesting."

"Well, Rose I gotta go," he said, "the line at the cafeteria-" and he left.

Rose let him leave and walked to the girls' bathroom, she locked herself in one of the cubicles and called Norman.

"This better be an emergency," he answered the phone.

"Oh, this is more than an emergency."

"Speak fast kid, I have more stuff to do."

"There's a kid here who knows Spider-Man."

"What? He knows him? Are you sure he's not lying?"

"There's a party tonight, I'm going to find out then."

"Are you sure that the kid who told you that is not Spider-Man? Because he could be saying that so people wouldn't suspect him."

"I haven't crossed him out yet, but I don't think he is, he's too much of a dork to be him."

"Alright," Norman said dryly and hung.

She came out of the bathroom like nothing had happened. She reached the cafeteria and went to sit down with Liz and her friends.

╔══Author's note═══╗
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