Mama Langley Senses Carrier Tension

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I don't own Kantai Collection or any of its characters. I don't own any warships either, just so we're clear. I only own my OCs and their history, I guess. Still don't own any art. Nothing more, nothing less.

When Zuikaku and Kaga arrived on the actual base, inside the actual admiral's office, they expected a bit more from the Americans who beat them during the war. They didn't expect the only Canadian on base to dump ice cold water on the slumbering admiral of the base. Kaga turned toward Avelina questioningly, only to find her rushing out the door to get towels as Langley tried to calm Admiral Marianna from raging on Naomi who was cackling in the corner.

"The Americans are interesting, desu..." Kongo muttered before Avelina rushed into the room with several towels in her hands. Fubuki noticed how panicked the Filipino looked.

"Admiral I'm so sorry!" She apologized as she handed the brunette the towels in her hands. Marianna was too ticked at Naomi to even regard the apology. Arizona ruffled the girl's hair to comfort her as Marianna wiped herself off.

Once she did, she glared toward Naomi who was still laughing in the corner, though, not as hard as before. "Naomi, what in God's name were you thinking?" She demanded of the ravenette with a deadly glare present on her face.

"Don't know, but it was worth it!" Naomi exclaimed as she wiped her eyes shamelessly. She stood up and jabbed a finger at Marianna with a laugh. "And you did it right in front of the Japanese too, you freaking sleepy-head!"

Embarrassing herself in front of the Japanese ship girls was least important thing on Marianna's mind, but she didn't care at this point anymore. She shook her head with a sigh before turning toward the Japanese ship girls. "Forgive me for the display. I didn't expect to be woken under..." She shot Naomi a death glare. "These type of circumstances."

Nagato sighed and turned toward Naomi who's laughing was beginning to die down. "Had I known what she intended to do with the bucket, I wouldn't have supplied her with the water." She apologized, her arms crossed. Marianna turned toward Avelina. "Why didn't you bring her to the docks?"

"Nagato insisted that she didn't need to go, saying "it was just a flesh wound"." Avelina replied, causing Marianna to sigh in frustration. She was told by Himari that most of her ship girls were stubborn to the core, and it seemed that Nagato wasn't leaving until the briefing was through with. "Well, should we stay for the debriefing, or...?"

Marianna nodded with a frustrated sigh before turning her attention toward the Japanese once again. "Save for the rude awakening this morning, I welcome you seven to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. I suppose I will just go on with the briefing so all of you know before hand." Marianna insisted, catching everyone's attention. "In a week's time for now, Great Britain requests our presence to discuss trade routes between the nations on boat. They requested the Japanese be among us for this, which is another reason why the seven of you are now standing here."

"The British?" Arizona asked Admiral Marianna who nodded in reply.

"Yes, after your summoning, they immediately requested our presence, but since you were so new to the country, we had to postpone until now." She explained before turning toward Nagato. "I hope this is no problem for the seven of you. We requested another week from the British for reason, so use it well. We'll be leaving by plane in week's time." Marianna paused. "All of you are dismissed for the evening. Now, if you would... please excuse me."


"So... what do you think of them?" Avelina asked Arizona nervously once the two had exited Admiral Marianna's quarters. The Japanese were long gone, seeing as Fubuki and Kongo insisted that they take Nagato to the docks, even if she said "It's just a flesh wound" multiple times.

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