Chapter 2: Rich's perspective

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"Ugh!" I say as I hit lucian's locker.

"What the hell is this suppose to mean?! That we're soul mates!?" I start yell.

"I just.. I just didn't want to hurt him. It was all just because of a dare.. But now that we are soul mates, I'll no longer hurt him. This time I'll change, just for him." I mutter to myself.

"Maybe it's time that I confront her about the prolonged dare." I say.

I start to walk towards the usual place that my "friends" often hang out at after school.

"Hey guys! Look, it's Rich." says Natalie with a small smile on her face.

"Hey." say the others.

"So Natalie, anything exciting going on so far?"

"No. Nothing really. It's been boring the past few days." says Natalie with a bored expression.

"Well, I have a question for you." I said.

"What is it?"

"Well, were can I find Carla?" I asked her.

"I'm not sure, she said that she went to look for you." says Natalie.

"Tell her that the dare is off. No one will bully Lucian anymore. And I MEAN it. Okay?" I told her.

Natalie nodded. Since Natalie was a nice person, and knew that bullying was terrible. She was glad that I did something good for a change.

I started to walk away from the group, even though it was nice and all. I prefer to be around a nicer group of friends. Maybe even try to befriend Lucian, but after that dare. It won't be so easy.

I went to my locker, grabbed my book bag, and started to head home.

---Jump cut---

I finally reached my neighborhood, I don't leave far from the school. It's just that I took my time to think. Was it karma trying to mess with me? Noo.. Then that would of been something else. Hmm..

Since I leave near Lucian as well, I should just apologize I don't want to keep this grudge up any longer. I started to walk up the steps of Lucian's small home and knocked.

I waited a bit. I heard a small creek from the door, and it was Lucian. It looked like Lucian started to blush.

"W-What do you want Rich?" said Lucian.

"I.. I just wanted to apologize for bullying you.." I told him.

"Y-Your lying!" says Lucian.

"I'm not! If you just let me explain. I'll tell you the truth and nothing but the truth." I told him.

Lucian thought for a bit, and allowed me to come in.

"You can sit down for a bit while I go get us something to drink. What would you like?"

"Water would be fine." I told him.

As he went to get the drinks, I looked around his living room. It was a decent size, it was cleaned and as well as organized. It had a mahogany coffee table, a tan couch, a tv, two armchairs, and a small flower pot.

Lucian finally came back with the drinks and sat down. I had was water and he got himself tea.

"So.. How did this all start?" he asked.

"Well, this all started from a dare that a and I quote "friend of mine" want me to do. Since it was a dare, I couldn't decline it. The dare was that my friends and I were suppose to bully you. I'm not sure why you, but I thought it was going to be for a short time. Since you know, all dares don't last long. But no. She HAD to make it last for four years." I told him. I took a sip from the cup of water.

"Before all of that, I really did like you. You seemed like a nice kid and I really wanted to meet you, but I guess she wanted to get revenge on you." I continued.

"What's her name?" he asked.

"Her name's Carla."

"Well, since you came all the way to apologize, why don't we start off as friends. Leave it all behind us." he says.

"Sure!" I agreed with him.

"Oh and by the way, Lucian. Is it okay that I call you Lu for short?" I asked him.

"Sure. Fine by me." he says.

Lu starts to clean up the coffee table and I get ready to leave. We are at the door, and I am about to leave when I asked him one final question.

"Is it okay that I stop by in the morning so we can walk to school together?"

Lu starts to blush a bit.

"S-Sure.." he says.

I then start to walk off towards my house.

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