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*Ten Years Later*

A lot has happened since I've decided to stay in Aruba. First, I got my diploma for high school and secondly, I graduated college. Now I have a full time job as CEO for a company. Jayden and Gilmher are doing well too. They still make hilarious comedy videos on the internet and occasionally guest stars on popular television shows.

"Mommy! Daddy!" I hear my four year old daughter, Cara, call from the other side of the living room. I'm currently snuggled up on the couch with Jayden watching America's Got Talent.

"Yes, sweetie?" I say back.

"Can you read me a story?" Cara asks with a smile making her face light up. She's so adorable how can I say no. Before I could stand up, a hand stops me. "Jay, what are you doing?"

"It's so far," he whispers into my ear making puppy dog eyes. I roll my eyes playfully, slapping him in the arm.

"Cara, can you come here please? Your daddy is too lazy to move." I laugh.

She makes her way over as Jayden and I took turns reading a page each. When the book came to an end, a yawn leaves Cara's mouth. Across the room sat Gilmher and Zach. Gilmher moved in helping me take care of Cara while I was out at work.

"I'm tired," Cara says.

"Gilmher, Zach, do you mind bringing Cara up to her room?" They both not, following my instructions leaving Jayden and I alone in the living room. He smiles uncontrollably, sliding a strand of hair behind my hair. "What?" I question.

"Nothing, you just look amazing," he replies.

I giggle lightly. "I've looked like this since I went through nine months of labor." He shrugs, planting a kiss on my lips, soon moving down to my neck, ending at my collar bone. I moan slightly, making sure to not cause attention. I pull his hair gently.

"What are you two doing?" a voice interrupts. Of course it's Gilmher. Why is it always him? Where was he before I was pregnant. We pull away, pretending as if nothing happened. "Well Cara is asleep," he changes the subject.

"Thanks," I bite my lip. "By the way, there's some leftover funnel cake in the fridge if you want it," I tell him. With that, he struts into the kitchen grabbing his treat.

I glance back at Jayden. "I better take a shower."

"Alright, I'll be down here if you need anything."

I march up the stairs, passing Cara's room. She was sound asleep. I walk in, kissing her on the forehead. I smile at how life turned out. It started out rough, but eventually came the happy ending.

I'm back!! Did you miss me? Lol 😂 So I know I said I wasn't going to write a sequel, or anything, but a lot of you guys are requesting for one. I'm just not really in the mood to continue this story right now. The plot is just scattered everywhere and it's just not one of my best works. I thought that maybe we could have a compromise? The second best thing to a sequel is an epilogue, so here you go! Enjoy!

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