zenslaya 💅🏼
hey babe!
what's up?june 🌞
nothing much!
just making myself
some popcorn and
putting netflix. i'm
so jet laggedzenslaya 💅🏼
aw no, jet lag is the
worsti was wondering if you'd
like to come visit me on
set this weekendi'm doing some cool trapeze
stunt stuff and it would be
really cool to have my best girl
there to help support mejune 🌞
when do you need me there?
zenslaya 💅🏼
whatever day works for
you, i guessjune 🌞
ok, i just checked with
madelaine and we have
filming on friday morning
but not the afternoon/evening
and i'm also off on saturdaycould i come both days?
zenslaya 💅🏼
yes OF COURSEyou could come chill
in my dressing room
and eat my snacks it'll
be just like when you
used to visit me on shake
it up!!june 🌞
i'm so excited!!wait
do i get to meet hugh jackman?
zenslaya 💅🏼
i'm actually not surethere's a good chance you will
june 🌞
SWEETzenslaya 💅🏼
i'm thinking about
watching netflix tooany recommendations?
june 🌞
hm how about zootopiazenslaya 💅🏼
why is that the first movie
that comes to your mindjune🌞
...cause i'm about to watch itzenslaya 💅🏼
you're so weirdhow did you even become my
friend?june 🌞
my manager was friends with
your manager and we came and
visited you on the shake it up set
and you told me i was welcome to
food in the fridge and i ate a whole
meal and then you came and talked
to me and we clickedzenslaya 💅🏼
is that how you remember itjune🌞
how do you remember itzenslaya 💅🏼
you broke into my trailer
and ate a whole meal and
then fell asleep on my couch.
then we talked and clicked. i
had no idea who you werejune 🌞
your manager let me!!what do you have against zootopia?
zenslaya 💅🏼
nothingsee you in two days WEIRDO
june 🌞
looking forward to it!!—
protect june at all costs
✓ | Rewrite The Stars ── Zac Efron
FanfictionWho can stop me if I decide that you're my destiny? alternate universe social media / Original Character ©JJ