I can go? REALLY?

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Seth: Boo!

Me: Aaaaaaaaaaaaa!

*I heard Seth laughing behind my back and running to his room. Why does he always do that? I hate when people scare me, Dora loves to do that just because she know's how much I hate it -.-*

Mom: Liz!!! Come down here please.

*OMG! Do I want to go down or not? Is she gonna kill me? I hope not, I still haven't met Liam!*

Mom: Liz?!

Me: I'm coming!

*If she kills me please tell Liam how much I loved him!!*

Me: Whats up mom!

Mom: That was Lauren...

Me: Ok...

Mom: I have to think about it a little bit ok?

Me Ok...

Mom: I mean I love to see you dance and I know it makes you happy but it's a tour...it's for few months...

Me: Mom, just think about it k?

Mom: K?

Me: That's ok!

Mom: Oh, ok then...or k...

Me: Ugh!

*I went up to my room and turned on Up Al Night CD. YAP I HAVE IT! My best mom in the whole world bought it for me the day it got out!!! I love it! Anyway I repeated the dance steps and was time for dinner. Mom cooked spaghetti!*

Me: So mom, did you think about it?

Mom: Yeah...

Grace: About what?

Me: Noth...

Mom: Liz is going on an audition for a tour tomorrow.

Me: Mom! Wait what?

Grace: What?

Mom: What?

Me: I'm going?

Mom: Yeah, well I'm thinking about it whole day and if it's really what you want then you should go.

Me: No joke?

Grace: A tour?

Mom: Yes.

*I jumped from my chair and hugged my mom real tight.*

Mom: Ok,Liz , your choking me!

Me: Sorry mom!

*I got back to my chair.*

Grace: So, your not gonna be home for few months?

Me: Only if I pass the audition.

Grace: And that's not gonna happen!

Me: Ha-ha -.-

Mom: Girls!

*We stoped.*

Mom: I'll drive you to the audition in the morning, I can drive Dora too.

Me: But you go to work in 7am.

Mom: And the audition is at 8.

Me: So early? What about school?

Mom: Liz , you wont go tomorrow, it's the last week of school anyway.

Grace: Mom are you sick or something? 

Mom: Why?

Me: You just told me it's ok to not go to school and that I can go on an audition for a tour that will last few months!

*She didn't awnser, but I'm really worried for her. Before I fell asleep I texted Dora that my mom is driving us to the audition.*


*I was sitting in the car with my head phones on, listening to Stole my heart, driving to Dora's house to pick her up. She ran outside of her house and into our car, bacause she was late again!*

Dora: I'm so sorry! Jake (that's her older brother, he's 20 and hot, but to old for me ;)) forgot to wake me up!

Me: It's ok, mom can you just drive faster?

Mom: Ok, if you want the police to stop us and you to be late even more!

Me: -.-''

* Dora and me were talking about the choreography when Gotta be you came up on the radio and Dora and I screamed!*

Mom: Hey! I'm driving here!

Me: Sorry mom. Turn it up!

*She turn it up and Dora and I started dancing (sitting down) and singing our lungs out! We got to the theater where the audition was at and Dora and I ran inside. There was a LOT of people there but we saw Lauren and few people from our group standing next to the doors.*

Me: Lauren, we are so sorry we're late!

Dora: Yeah, it's my brothers fault!

Lauren: Your not late, the boys just got here, they're preparing for the auditions.

Emily: So who are we auditioning for?

Lauren: A band called One Direction.

Dora, Emily, Hannah and me: WHAT? OMG!!!!!!!

*People started to stare.*

Lauren: Calm down! You know them?

Emily: I wish! 

Hannah: We know about them!

Lauren: Ok, so? What's so OMG about them?

Mike: You didn't watch The x factor last year or this year didn't you?

Lauren: Not really...

Dora: They're all perfect!

Me: Agreed!

Lauren: Ok, look you can't freak out because that will ruin your whole audition k?

All: Ok.

Emily: I will try my best!

Dora: Same!

Mike: You girls are crazy.

Me: For them, yes!

*We laughed. The doors opened and there was a big man standing at them. When I say big I mean BIG!*

BigMan: You can all come in now.

*He got back in and we all followed him. The theater was huge! We all followed him in the first row and sat. There was a lot of dancers. We filled the half of the theater. We waited for a while and then they came up on the stage!!!!!!!! *_* Dora hold my hand and we screamed in our minds.*

Louis: Hi everyone, thank you for coming to our audition!

Liam: We are gonna read your names and your gonna come on stage like that and dance what ever you prepared. 

Niall: First 10 people on stage are...

*He read 10 names and they came on stage. The boys sat in the corner of the stage and the music started and people started dancing. They were really great, for a second I forgot about 1D and was thinking about how good will I be...am I good as they? After few minutes the music stopped.*

Niall: Thank you, you can sit back to your seats.

Harry: Next 10 are...

*He read 10 more names, Mike was on this one. He goes to my school and he dance really good. The music started. He was great.*

Harry: Thank you, next 10 people are...

*He read Emily, Hannah, Pete, Dora, me and some other people. We got up on the stage. OMG! This is it! The music started!!!!!!*

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Where dancing for ONE DIRECTION? - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now