Is it love?

20 4 2

You tell me, is it love?
When i talk to you and you don't seem to understand,
Is it love?
When you call me sweetheart and i don't enthusiastically answer,
Is it love?
When your screams would blow down my silence
And my mute shouts can't reach you ..
Still, Is it love?
When your ego is too lofty for honesty
And mine too ..
Can we still call it love?
When all the clues to our hearts are given,
But still not rightly used,
Can we still call it love?
And empathy is unobtainable..
And our emotions not exchanged when we look in each others eyes
Still is it love?
I am afraid it is not,
Then i have to courageously say
it will never be,
and move on ..
More afraid it was,
but we definitely lost it,
Then i have to say,
We'd better change
We were so wrong and vain,
And move on ..

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