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"Maybe it was just a symptom but who knows and who cares anyway! "

A proof of sickness,
tiredness of soul,
incapacity and failure.

Borderlines are always mistreated, misidentified and misjudged somehow.
Borderlines are never concerned by our compassion and love.
Borderlines are just people who need to be held to never cross the line.
We will never understand a borderline because we have never been between insanity and a lost, uncontrollable mind.

"Maybe it was just a symptom but who knows and who cares anyway!"

The picture is framed,
We don't see beyond it,
We don't feel the need to.
The tears are just tears,
Cries are just cries
And our eyes will never dry.

"Maybe it was just a symptom but who knows and who cares anyway!"

She could have been treated,
She'd be healed maybe
And absence
Have their words to say.

Ps: never underestimate someone's tears, they could be a sign of psychological fatigue, an accumulated reactions and a desperate call for help. Always try to see beyond the appearances; someone's tears have always a significance and it's mostly independent of the moment or the situation that leaded him to cry. No one drops tears unnecessarily. Tears must be his lat shelter, his last resort.

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