Cola problems

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After wrestling with Edd for the red can, Paul managed to tear the eight pack of Cola from his grip.
"You can have ONE!"
"Just one?"
"Yes, just one."
"But daaaaaaad...." Edd whined,
"Edd, be glad it's me arguing with you and not Pat, he wouldn't let you have any."
"True ok dad." The little green monster took the can and happily went back into the living room, where everybody else had migrated to.

"Hi guys," He took a swig of Cola.
"Edd, you know you're not meant to have Cola, it messes with your magic." Pat wasn't incorrect, even after one sip a bright green aura began to appear around Edd.
"But Pa, Dad said I could have one."
"Yes love?" Pat gestured towards Edd,
"Oh, sh*t." He mutters to himself.
"Paul, language."
"Sorry," he turns his gaze towards the glowing boy, "Edd, steady with the Cola, make it last."
"But it's so nice!" He said taking another giant sip. Making the aura grow.
"Listen to your Dad, Edd."
"Umm... Kay, it'll last longer if I do anyway." He said taking another smaller sip. This little addition was enough to fling Tommee bear out of Tom's hands. Panicking Patryk looked at Paul for some help.
"Uhhhh.... Edd, want to go for a walk in the woods, just you and me?" Paul asked,
"Sure dad, let me go grab my shoes. Can you hold my Cola?"
"Yeah, go on Champ."

As soon as Edd left Pat let out a sigh of relief.
"Sorry Pat, he was sad so I completely forgot about that."
"Tommee bear!" Tom yelled as his bear fell to the floor. He jumped of Pat's lap and managed to beat Tord to the stuffed toy.
"Good, that means he's calming down."
"Dad?" Paul looked down at the ginger tugging on his sleeve.
"Yeah Matt?"
"Why didn't you tell Eddie why he can't have Cola."
"Because, two reasons, one Edd loves Cola and we don't want him to go off it. Two, he already worries about himself and we don't want him to be more scared."
"Oh, ok."
"Yes, Eddio's?"
"I can't find my green converse!"
"Where did you last have them?"
"When I played in our tree house, I took them off and rode Tord back."
"Do you think that they might still be there?"
"I'll go check," Matt yelled before turning into a bat and zooming out the door. In less then five seconds he was back with Edd's shoes in his hands.
"Thanks, Matt."
"God forsaken bloodsuckers, always showing off."
"Tord that wasn't very nice."
"Shut up Tom, at least Matt has a power to show off." He saw his face crumple and tears start. "Oh god, shhhh, I'm sorry Tom that was mean," he hugged his younger brother. I've never made Tom cry before. At least I don't think I have.... He thought to himself, "Tom are you ok now?" He felt his brothers head nod on his shoulder, so broke the hug.

"Dad, ready to go?"
"Let me just slip my coat on, you should probably do they same it's cold today."
"Ok Dad, be right back." He ran of, clearly excited to be having alone time with Paul.
"Tord, how are you two brothers?" Pat looked at his demon son.
"How are you and dad lovers?"
"Touché," Paul laughed at the fact that Tord just completely roasted his husband.
"Come on Daddy let's go." Edd held out his hand for his dad to take.
"Yep, here's ya Cola."

They where pretty far into the woods and Paul had loved every second of it. He desperately needed to tighten his bond with his youngest. His job (woodcarver) mixed with Edd's radioactive issues left the two with little alone time. During this walk Edd had told Paul all about his drawings, Tord's pranks on Tom, his incident this morning and more. Paul just listened to his son, loving more with every word he said.

Edd had nearly finished the can and was glowing extremely bright, this sadly pushed Paul further away from him, but since he didn't seem to notice, Paul didn't mention it.
"Wow Edd, so Tom really eat Tord's pancakes?"
"Yep, Tord was super mad and then got into a fight with Matt."
"I should probably think about think about putting that boy in a boot camp."
"He would properly kill the camp leaders." That was a valid point.
"Aha, that's true. Edd?" The boy had stopped in his tracks and started shaking.
"D-Dad, what going on?"
"Your just over reacting, I'll be over in a sec." Paul managed to spit out, he was pinned against a tree, everything was getting pushed more then it should, including his wind pipes. Thank god I'm here and not Patty. Pat was much weaker than Paul, during his first transition to wolf he was screaming and fainted, however Paul was perfectly fine... Well it did sting slightly, but that's it.

Slowly, the green aura faded away and both monsters collapsed onto the grass.
"D-D-Dad?" Edd's voice shocked himself, it was hoarse and out of breath.
"E-Eddie? Are you ok?" Paul's voice was equally out of breath and croaky.
"Yeah, where are you?"
"By a tree..." Edd tried to stand up but his knees kept giving in.
"Dad, I can't walk..."
"It's ok, I can. I'll come grab you."
"Ok," Paul slowly made his way over to Edd and picked him up bridal style.
"Where to, my prince?" Paul put on a posh accent.
"Home, good father." Edd giggled, making her British accent stronger.

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