Trip to Town pt.2

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The other boys ran out side to see that Edd had been telling the truth.
"Wow," Matt and Tord both muttered together. "I-It's amazing."
"It's just snow guys seriously." Tom said in a monotone voice.
"Yeah, but you can do so much with snow,"
"Edd's right, you can build snowmen, make snow angels and-"
"Do this." Tord yelled as he threw a snowball at the back of Tom's head.

"Ow. You're gonna get it Norski." He picked up a rather large snowball and baseball bowled towards Tord and hitting him in between his eye's.
"Nice throw Tom." Matt yelled.
"Ha th-" he was cut short by having a chunk of snow hit him in his mouth.
"Heh, gotcha Tom." The obnoxious voice of Edd filled Tom's ears.
"Oh yeah." He threw but missed: hitting Matt.
"Oh I hope you didn't do what I thought you did." The boy opened his eyes to see a wet patch on his chest.
"Oh sh*t" Tom knew he messed up.

Suddenly, about ten snowball were hurled towards Tom.
"Ack! Matt what the HELL!"
"Heh, you just got super speeded my dear brother." Tord immediately cracked up at Matts response.
"Don't think you're getting away without a taste of your own medicine." Soon, all four boys were in an intense snowball fight.

Paul and Pat was walking out of a toy shop, buying the last of their Christmas presents. When Paul tapped Pat on the shoulder and pointed in the direction of four children having a snowball fights. Confused, Pat watched the children his lover pointed at, until he suddenly heard something,
"Agh, Tord! That was my face!" Followed by laughing.
"I'm going to step in." The small wolf stepped forward.
"No, wait." An arm flung in front of him, stopping him in his tracks. "Look, who do they remind you of?"
"Me, you, Stevie and Craig." Paul chuckled to himself. Stevie and Craig had been Paul and Pat's best friends and neighbours. One Christmas they had a snowball fight and it was amazing. One of the best day's of his life, beside his wedding and adopting his children. Sadly, the boy's had drifted apart, but the memory stayed firm in his mind.
"Exactly, so let's let them have their fun. Besides, at least they're laughing."

About half an hour later Edd held up his hangs in defeat and collapsed into the newly laid pillow of snow underneath him.
"Yeah, I give up too." Matt lay down beside his younger brother. Tord and Tom glared at each other, haven gotten extremely competitive. Matt then yelled, "it's a draw." Which stopped them fighting.
"Fine," they both said and then fell into the cold snow under them.

"That was fun." Edd broke the silence, his breath creating a cloud above him.
"Yeah it was, I totally whooped your a*s Tom." Tord spoke proudly.
"Tord, language." The sudden voice made all four boys jump.
Paul at Pat started laughing at their children's reaction.
"I blame you for teaching him that." Pat turned to his husband,
"Guilty." He knew that he was to blame, Pat never swears however Paul curses like a soldier.
"I'll let you of with a warning," he sighed and looked at the boys still on the floor, "c'mon, we gonna head home and get ready for Christmas tomorrow. You're getting wet lying on the floor like that.
"Ok Pa," The four got up and started to walk over to their dads.

Once in view, Paul could see that all four boys were cold and shivering, even Tord.
"This is why you don't have snow baths." Pat scolded beside him.
"It wasn't a snow bath." The youngest protested.
"Yeah, it was a blimmin' hot tub." Tord shivered, you could feel the sarcasm in his voice. Paul just sighed knowing it was because Tord wasn't used to being cold. He's a demon for gods sake, he was a literal hell comer.
"Let's just get back." Tom moaned, already getting in the car.
"Yeah," the rest mumbled similar agreements.

The car ride was a comfortable silence, the only sound coming from the low tune of the radio. A song called Drunk played and Tom mouthed the words, not wanting to disrupt the quiet. Eventually, they got home and Tord flew, at what seemed a Matt like speed, onto the couch- burying himself in a fluffy brown blanket.
"Ahhhh," he sighed as warmth was around him again.
"Tord you alright kiddo?"
"Yeah, dad, just a little cold."
"You're not very convincing." However Paul left him alone anyway.

"Humm?" He mumbled, having been disrupted from yet another great nap.
"Umm, just checking if you're ok." Tord's hearing finally kicked in properly and he heard the quiet English accent of Tom.
"I'm fine, all warmed up. See?" He pulled Tom into the covers with him. The sudden movement made the younger boy squeak.
"Tord! You scared me." He complained while snuggling up to his brother.
"Sorry," he said flatly, accidentally letting his sarcasm leak out a tiny bit.
"It's ok. You're right it is warm." That was the last thing either boys heard before drifting of into a dreamless sleep.

Matt and Edd were getting ready for bed upstairs. Edd had pulled on a green onesie and tucked himself into bed, his thoughts swimming with what would happen the next day. Matt's mind was on similar things, mostly which Christmas jumper to wear. He had gotten into his bed trackies, planning to sleep on the roof. He looked down at the bed below him. That does look comfy. He let go of the wooden beam his claws held onto, switch forms midair and fell on the soft duvet with a quiet bump. Immediately wondering why he didn't do this more often, the vampire fell asleep.

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