A monster awakes

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Paul kept Edd in his arms the whole way home. Even when they got there Paul carried him to the couch and softly put him down.
"Yeah bud?"
"I could've walked half the way."
"It's fine, hungry?"
"Nah." The rest of the gang came stumbling in.
"EDD!" The boys yelled in unison,
"Whoa, whoa, give you brother some space."
"Sorry Pa." The looked apolitically at Edd, "how ya feeling?" Tom clambered onto Pat's lap as he sat down at Edd's side on the grey couch.
"You literally JUST slept."
"Tord, not so loud. Daddies got a headache." This made Pat look curiously towards Paul, he nearly never gets headaches... Paul signalled towards the kitchen with his head. Nodding, Pat slid Tom off his lap.

As soon as they where in the kitchen, Pat brought out a packet of tablets, clearly panicked.
"Babe, calm down."
"I can't, you never get headaches. You didn't even get one when we went to that rave party!"
"Shhhhh, it's ok. I don't actually have a headache, I just needed Tord to shut up."
"I hate you, you had me so worried." He turned and pouted like a small child.
"You sure?"
"Yes." Instead of answering, Paul hugged him from behind, nuzzling into his neck.
"What about now?" Giggling Pat continued to ignore him. Sighing, Paul gave him a kiss on his neck. "Still hate me?"
"Paul stop, that tickles! Fine, I don't hate you! Just stop ticking me, please!" Patryk choked out in between his laughing fit.
"You're so cute, all happy like that."
"Shut up, you're acting like a child!"
"Says the one who was pouting."
"Touché. Anyway, what happened in the woods?" His voice instantly went to serious.

"Well, me and Edd where talking. When he started to shake and stuff."
"Pat, it was really powerful, I was pinned up against a tree, I thought my ribs would break."
"Oh god,"

"DAD! PAPA!" Matt's voice filled the house,
"What is it?" Both werewolves ran into the lounge. The froze in their tracks when they saw Tord pinned down by his throat, Tom's hand squeezing it.
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!" Pat's outburst shocked everybody, even Tom. The boy looked down and jumped about a foot, then ran into the corner: shaking and hugging himself.

Grunting, Tord stood up. The attack had made him turn into his monster. His tail whipped as it shrank, his black wings stretched before folding into his shoulder blades, his horns looked like they were falling into his scalp and his eyes changed from red back to silver.
"Goddamn Tom, what the hell was that?"
"I-I don't know," he started crying, Paul went to go see if Tord was alright, and Pat went to go comfort Tom.
"Last time I checked Tord was stronger than me," the younger boy muttered, "then how did I?" He sounded like he was arguing with himself.
"Tom, you ok?" Pat looked down at his son.
"I don't know, I'm going to go get I drink." He stood up and went to grab some water.

"What did you do?" Pat looked towards Tord.
"Nothing, I'm innocent." He answered holding his hands up. This statement made not only Edd and Matt, but Paul stifle a laugh.
"He teased Tom about how I'm younger but a stronger monster." Edd piped up, brushing Matt's hair, "I don't know why you insist on doing this, it's just gonna get messy again when you transform into a bat, Matty."

Sighing Paul looked at Tord,
"Is this true?"
"Yes, sorry Dad,"
"I'm not the one you should be apologising to,"
"Ok," with that Tord walked into the kitchen to go see his brother.

Pat pulled Paul into the study and shut the door so none of the kids could hear him.
"Do you think Tom could be-"
"-unstable, yeah." Paul finished his sentence.
"That two kids now."
"Weren't you unstable as a child though?"
"Oh yeah, that must be it." Pat looked guiltily at his feet,
"It's not your fault, ok?"
"*sigh* ok. It just seems that all the bad parts of our kids are from me."
"You may have passed down some bad traits, but you also passed down some good ones. Like Tom's warm heart, and Edd's humour."
"Heh, I guess you're right."
"Also, who does Tord remind you of?"
"Exactly, I passed down my old rebellious phase onto Tord."
"Shut up, you know what I mean."
"I love you Paul."
"I love you too, now we should probably check on the kids."
Tord walked into the kitchen and caught Tom pouring some milk into his blue glass.
"Hey Tom."
"What do you want?" The coldness in his voice caught Tord of guard. After taking a deep breath, he answered,
"To apologise,"
"For what? Taunting me or making me transform?"
"Both. Tom I'm sorry, I didn't mean it,"
"I know, just sometimes," Tom turned to look his brother in the eyes, he could feel tears welling up, "sometimes, you say horrible stuff, and it really hurts. Sometimes I believe you. And when you pointed out that Edd was already stronger than me, it made me mad, I wanted to prove that I wasn't weak! So it all unleashed this other force, I was scared but it made me feel powerful. So I attacked you."
"Tom, I-I didn't know you got effected by it that badly."
"It's fine, just please stop being so mean."
"I promise." Tom tackled his brother with a hug.

Paul and Pat were watching at the door frame, nearly in tears at the sweet scene in front of them.
"Let's just hope he keeps this promise,"
"Yeah," Paul nodded in agreement.

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