5: Night at the Club

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"What was it like?" Emery asked.

"What?" Izzy asked, the two of them went to Pandemonium. Emery was dying to meet Magnus Bane, the Warlock that had made Alec realize that it was okay to be himself. Alec stood up to his parents and the Clave, because he loved Magnus and himself.

"When I left, what happened while I was gone?" That was a loaded question. So much had happened. With Izzy and Simon. With Simon and Clary. With Clary and Jace. With Jace and Mia. With Mia and Jordan. With Alec and Magnus. With the Lightwood parents. With Max. It was all a mess. It was far to much for Izzy to explain over a drink.

"Besides the war?" Izzy joked, they both laughed. "Well I became a cold hearted bitch." Izzy looks down at her drink. She had missed her best friend. "Alec hardened more than ever, shutting people out and trying to be Mom and Dads perfect child." Alec hid himself from everyone and fell into a whole. "Jace..." Izzy paused, licking her lips. "Jace started sleeping around and cocky. Very cocky. He definitely wasn't the same." Izzy told her. Emery nodded. It didn't sound like leaving was the best choice. It sounded like she had caused a lot of pain.

"Oh." Emery mumbled. She had hurt the people she loved and wasn't sure if she was going to be able to fix it. Izzy looked over at her with a sad smile, then shoved her shoulder.

"Hey let's dance." Izzy dragged Emery on the dance floor. The two had always gone dancing before Emery left, maybe not in Pandemonium but in their rooms together.

Their bodies moved to the beat of the music, rhythmically and in sync. Short dresses and high heels were their best friends now. Limbs moved around as boys then crowded around the two girls. Trying anything to get a hand on them, somewhere. Anywhere they could. But neither one of them would let a boy get too far.

Jace, Clary and Simon sat a the bar watching the drinks and watching Izzy and Emery dance across the room from where Alec and Magnus sat making out. Jace downed another shot while watching boys try and lay hand after hand on the girls.

"Jace did you hear me?" Clary asked, grabbing his attention. Jace snapped his attention back to the redhead. He smiled and ran his hand down Clary's back. "I asked if you wanted another drink." Jace nodded in response. Clary waved at the bartender.

Jace glanced over Clary's shoulder, he saw a guy with us hands on Emery's hips as they swayed to he music. Jace then gripped his hands onto his chair. It made his sick, how guys could just go around grabbing girls for no reason without their permission.

"Hey I'll be right back." Jace mumbles before he started pushing through the sea of bodies dancing. People pushed up against him but he shoved pass them as he drew closer to Emery and this mystery guy.

Izzy eyed them too. Emery and the guy. He was obviously not human, or a shadowhunter. Izzy's best guess was Werewolf or Warlock. But he was cute, she supposed. His hair was red. He was tall, built less then Jace or Alec but not scrawny.

Jace ripped the guys arms from around Emery waist, the guy stumbled back while Emery looked back at Jace. The guy made eye contact with Jace before narrowing his eyes and advancing him.

"What's you problem?" The guy asked. He towered over Jace by several inches. But Jace was built more and seemed to stand his ground more. Emery looked between the two of them. No one around the four of them stopped, it wasn't odd that a fight would break out in Pandemonium.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you to ask before you touch someone? You know keep your hands to yourself?" Jace asked, his eyes narrowed at the guy.

"Dude it's club-"

"That doesn't mean you get to do anything you want." Jace hissed at him.

The guy rolled his eyes and tried to walk away from Jace. Jace looked at Emery before grabbing the back of the guys shirt and dragging him to the ground. The next thing anyone knew the two were hitting each other over and over, well Jace was hitting the guy over and over.

Now people turned and looked at them. People opened up a circle around them. Clary and Simon rushed over to where Izzy and Emery were standing. As people started yelling and the Dj stopped, Magnus was drawn out of kissing Alec just long enough to realize what what happening.

Jace and the guy were then in the air, floating looking down at Magnus. To say Magnus was mad was an understatement. His club was supposed to be a place where all kinds of people and creatures could come and not worry about digging between them.

"I am not sure who you are," Magnus said looking at the redhead, "But I would appreciate if you left my club and didn't come back, this is a place of peace for all." He then dropped the guy, watching as he pushed though the crowd and left.

Magnus then looked at Jace. His boyfriends parabatai and trusted friend. What was Jace doing starting trouble in his club? Jace knee that was his only rule.

"Jace," Magnus said putting him down as well. Jace looked down to the ground, he knew what he had done and knew why. That didn't make it alright. And he understood why Magnus was mad, really. "Go home for the night." Jace nodded before leaving the club.

Word Count: 954

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