11: Girls Night

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"A girls night?" Emery said, her lips pulled back over her teeth and her face scrunched in displeasure. Izzy laughed at her parabatai. "Like just the two of us, right?" Izzy dropped the smile and tilted her head, now her face scrunched in displeasure.

"No you, me and... Clary." Izzy mumbled the last part while reaching for the back of her neck. Emery eyes widened further as she suddenly felt her heart rate increase.

"Izzy!" Emery declared, pushing her best friends shoulder. "You know she doesn't like me. She thinks I'm in love with Jace. She thinks I'm trying to take him from her-"

"Chill out." Izzy said rolling her eyes and tossing a grape into the back of her mouth. Izzy had told Emery many time that Clary didn't hate her. Truth was Clary didn't hate Emery, Clary thought she was strong and brave but she also thought that Jace was going to leave her for Emery. Izzy told Clary that that theory was crazy, but Izzy knew that there was a possibility. But she refused to throw Emery under the bus.

"She hates me." Emery groaned, throwing her body back against her bed. Izzy laughed and continued to eat more grapes.

"She does not hate you." Izzy told her calmly. Emery was always one to freak out like this, only for a few minutes but then she would calm down. "She just doesn't know you so that is why we are having a girls night." Emery sighed, knowing that there was no point in trying to fight Izzy on this.

"Yeah okay." Emery said, she wasn't happy about this but there was no way she was getting our of it now. "Can we at least do it in your room, there's common ground." Izzy smirked before nodding.


"Popcorn, pretzels, ice cream, grapes and gold fish." Emery said looking at the table of snacks she had compiled for the forces girls night. She figured they were watch movies and not talk until everyone fell asleep. Then this would be over and magically Clary and her would be fiends. There would be no odd tension between them.

"How many time do I have to tell you that everything will be fine." Izzy said taking a piece of candy out of the bowl and popping it into her mouth. Emery rolled her eyes and grabbed movies off the shelf.

"So where is Clary?" Emery asked, she knew that Clary was around here somewhere, she lived in the Institute.

"Jace took her out on a date." Izzy said, watching carefully as Emery took in a deep breath and let go. Then she smiled down at her feet.

"That's good," Emery said, "They were fighting earlier this week." Emery didn't want to ruin Jace and Clary's relationship. All she wanted was to be friends with everyone, she didn't come home to destroy relationships.

"You know I'm proud of you." Izzy told her, Emery rolled her eyes. "I'm serious Em. You've changed since you left."

"Yeah well, a war does that to you." Emery mumbled. Izzy rubbed her shoulder before looking over at the door way where Clary stood, dressed in sweats and carrying snacks as well. "Hey Clary." Emery said with a forced smile. Clary forced a smile back before walking into the room.

"Hey guys." Clary wasn't sure what she was supposed to do, what she was supposed to say. She couldn't just come out and ask if Emery was in love with Jace. This wasn't the time or place. But she couldn't help herself. "Are you in love with Jace." Clary's eyes widened as she said this, she couldn't believe that she had said that.


"No Iz it's fine." Emery started, cutting Izzy off. Emery completely understood. She understood that Clary didn't know her and didn't know that Emery wasn't the type of person to do that. But she knew Clary was right. Emery did have feelings for Jace. "Clary I'm not trying to steal Jace-"

"That's not what I asked." Clary's body was fidget, her shoulders were tense and her face cold. She needed to know.

Emery looked at Clary. She recognized the stance, the face. Emery understood how Clary felt in this moment. She figured that she was scared, that Clary was scared to lose Jace. After everything. So she wasn't sure how to tell Clary that she loved Jace. That she would always love Jace. How could she make Clary understand that it didn't matter how she felt, that as long as Jace loved Clary that Emery would stay out of their way.

"Yeah I care about Jace." Emery said, this was the first time she had said it out loud. It felt like someone had punched her in the gut, all the air sucked from her lungs. "But he loves you and that's what matters." Emery said before clearing her throat.

Word Count: 820

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