3: The Girlfriend

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Emery sat in the kitchen, watching Izzy cook. Well watching Izzy try to cook. Waiting for something to go wrong so that Izzy would give up and let her fix it.

"You done yet?" Emery teased. Izzy shot her a glare, Emery laughed. Izzy's boyfriend Simon was coming home from the Shadowhunters Acadamy today. He had drank from the cup and survived. That was more than anyone could say for his friend George Lovelace though.

Isabelle had told Emery that Simon was coming home and preparing to become parabatai with Clay. The Clay that was dating Jace. The same Clary that Emery had yet to meet. Izzy had also told Emery that Alec was gay and was in a long standing relationship with the  High Warlock of Brooklyn, Magnus Bane. It had been a lot of relationship information to organize.

"I'm really exited for you to meet Simon- I really hope you like him because I-"

"You love him." Emery interrupted. Izzy flushes red, a shade of red that Emery had never seen on Izzy. But it suited her. "I'm happy for you Iz." Izzy smiled and set the spatula down.

"I can't cook and he knows I can't but I really want to make something for him-"

"I'll help you Iz." Emery laughed. Jace froze as he heard her laugh form down the hall. He was walking with. Oh Clary. He loved Clary, she was beautiful and kind and compassionate. But she didn't know about Emery. Clary looked at him funny before walking into the kitchen.

"Hey Iz, Hi-" Clary stopped as she realized that she didn't know the other girl in the room. The girl laughing with Izzy. "I'm sorry I'm not sure who you are?" Clary asked. Jace peaked his head in and followed Clary as he saw that no one had thrown anything.

Emery knew who she was. She could tell by how Izzy stopped laughing when she came in. She could tell by the way Jace looked in, as if waiting for someone to freak out. She could tell by the way the girl carried herself.

"I'm Emery Ashwood, Izzy parabatai-"

"Oh!" Clary said. Oh boy did Jace talk about he? Did Izzy? Alec? "The girl the Clave pulled into the task force right?" Emery forced a smile, she was relieved. Relieved that Clary didn't hate her or have any other prior knowledge of her other than that.

"Um yeah, and your-"

"Valentine's daughter." Clary said, looking down at her feet. Emery decided that she shouldn't bring it up. That Clary already hated the fact that his blood ran in her veins.

"I was gunna say," Emery said, "the new girl." Emery smiled, so did Clary. Jace sat down awkwardly sat down at the kitchen island. Izzy glances between the two. Both Isabelle and Jace seemed on edge, as if they expected something to snap and for the two to attack each other.

"Is food almost ready, I'm starving." Jace said peering over to the stove. Emery looked over at him.

"Uh yeah we're just waiting for Simon?" Emery said, stealing a glance at the clock. Simon wasn't supposed to be here for another half an hour but Izzy said he had a habit of showing up early to everything.

Just then Simon came stumbling through the door of the kitchen. Flowers in his hand and a graphic tee covering his chest. Emery wasn't sure what she expected, but this wasn't it. He was tall, taller then Jace and wore glasses. He wore a graphic tee, plain blue jeans and vans. He didn't look like a shadowhunter- he look like a mundane.

"Uh- hi I'm Simon and I'm going to assume that you're Emery as you're the only person in the room I don't know and now I'm rambling and I'm going to stop- oh these are for you and for you Iz." Emery smiled mad looked at the flowers. Then looked as Simon kissed Izzy on the forehead and gave her the flowers he had brought for you.

"Hi Simon, these are beautiful thank you." Simon modded sheepishly and pushed his glasses up. Emery thought he looked a little odd. Like a man shoved into a kids body mad clothes. He was built, side effect of he cup and his training. His tee shirt looked like it was going to burst at the seems.

"Uh yeah it's no problem, I um, Iz?" Simon asked, "Not to be rude babe but did you cook?" Izzy flushes red, everyone laughed.

"Don't worry. Emery cooked." Simon smiled and looked over to Emery. Emery looked over to Jace and Clary who stood awkwardly across the kitchen. Well Clary wasn't awkward, Jace was. He had his arm resting to himself and head looking down at his clasped hands. Izzy and Simon embraced each other and grabbed food. Emery was the only one without someone.

Word Count: 820

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