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Nick tried to get comfortable, but wasn't able. He tossed and turned until he finally fell into a restless sleep.

When he woke up on the morning there was almost immediately a knock on his door.

"Come in." he said

"Good morning," said Annabel as she put down a tray containing a modern looking breakfast.

When she closed the door Nick jumped up and grabbed the food, he was famished! He ate then decided to look around a bit. He peeped open the door to an empty hallway. He came out of his room completely trying to look nonchalant. To the side of there seemed to be a sort of living room place that connected into a small kitchen area. he continued walking and found a flight of stairs.

"Dorm rooms, huh," he said as he read from the sign above the stairs aloud.

He continued walking till at the bottom of the stairs he almost smacked right into Quincey.

"What are you doing down here?" she asked with only curiosity in her voice.

"I woke up and decided to take a walk around." Nick answered simply.

"Want me to give you a tour?" Quincey asked

Nick nodded.

"Yes I would."

He followed her down the rest of the hallway. It contained maybe about 30 rooms that he assumed were all dorms. Then came another stair case whirling up to another floor. the walked up it and walked into the hall way that contained Nicks room. It was right passed the kitchen living room area that he had seen previously. They turned a corner in to yet another long hall way filled with doors.

"This is our lab area. I don't think it has been used very much since you arrived your kind of our first great success!" Quincey said as the continued walking down the seemingly endless hall.

"But I thought you said that they didn't know how to recreate what they did to bring me here, that's why they couldn't save my dad." Nick replied

"That's right,"

"Well then shouldn't they be working on that while the trail is still fresh?"

"I-I don't really know I'm sorry I'm just one of the nurses."

"It's ok I'm sorry I pushed you like that it's just I miss him."

Quincey looked over at Nick her eyes glistening.

"It's ok." she said as she turned and smiled.

Nick felt his heart warm he needed some comfort and he was finally receiving it. as if reading his mind Quincey reached over and gave him a very welcome hug.

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