CHAPTER FOUR. A Sleepless Night

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Nick couldn't sleep. I mean who could?

"Okay... so I've been brought to the future to cure my cancer you never knew I had, that's about all I know!" Nick said to him self reviewing the day.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Nick plunged under his covers not wanting them to know he wasn't asleep. Quincey slowly opened the door and peeped through the little crack.

"Phew, I thought you might be sleeping!" she said, her voice more full if laughter and joy than the last time he saw her.

Nick looked up,"How'd you know I was awake?"

"We're you trying to make it look like you were asleep!?" she replied with a look of fake confusion.

Nick sat up. Quincey opened the door all the way and walked over and sat in the edge if his bed.

"What's up," he asked

"So I couldn't sleep, and I guessed that you wouldn't be able to either, so I pulled those files for you early." She answered.

She pulled a file out from behind her back.

"Here you go."

Nick took the file and opened it up.

Jolie Millicent Mare

Born 2009

Profession: Genetic Scientist

Married: Jared Mare

Offspring: James, Nick, Carrie, and Mark Mare

Achievements: won the Nobel peace prize,

Deceased 5/12/3678

Age 89

Nick was amazed at the great things his wonderful little sister had done. It seemed like she had lived a good life.

"You okay?" Quincey asked seeing his shocked face.

Nick nodded.

"I'm just amazed that my little sister was so... Well amazing!" He explained

"She's a role model to many people, me as one of them, she was extraordinary!" She said wonder lighting up her face, "Oh yea, your moms file isn't here it's over at the eternity jail." she said

Nick shrugged.

"She was a horrible person.." he said

"Wow... harsh." she replied

"Not if you met her, I was actually being pretty nice." He said ending the conversation in an awkward silence.

He looked back down at the files and pulled out the last one, his dads.

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