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"Eh-hum," Annabel said. She had walked in on the two hugging it out.

"Oh, um, sorry Annabel." Quincey said, awkwardly lifting her head off of Nicks shoulder.

Nick dropped his arms off of her and stood quickly.

"She just needed-

"I honestly don't care." Annabel said raising hurt hand to stop him, "I'm just doing a check up."

She turned around dramatically with a flip of her lion mane like hair.

"Come on Nick," She said, acting as if she had something much much more important to be doing.

Nick got up off the couch, throwing a questioning glance back at Quincey before following Annabel down the hall Quincey had shown Nick earlier that morning.

"Right over here please."Annabel said motioning to a door while looking down at a clipboard that she had produced from the lab coat her and Quincey both wore what seemed to be all the time.

Nick walked into the room followed by Annabel. He looked around, it was just like the nurses offices he had seen back at home. He walked over to the bed seated in the corner of the room.

"Ok then..." Annabel said finally looking up from her clipboard, "How are you feeling.

" I feel completely fine." Nick answered truthfully.

"Well the tests still say that the cancer hasn't returned and nothing new has shown up-"

"Can I go out then, can I see the new world?!" He interrupted.

"- but we think you should still adjust to the new sicknesses before you can leave." She finished.

"Oh, ok." Nick replied staring down at his lap.

"Alrighty then." Annabel said as she pulled down the the blood pressure cuff from the hook and began to finish the check-up.

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