Whatever you wish

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"Swept away" was initially written and published here as "Starstuck Stalker" in 2012 and rewritten 2014 by VeGirl © All Rights Reserved

This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to real persons are purely coincidental.

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"I'm sorry mom, I can't just leave everything!" The girl laughed, talking to her mother on the phone, while leaving her friend in the other room.

"But you have a hiatus coming up for Christmas, haven't you?"

It had been too long since they saw each other, and she heard longing in her mother's voice. "I do, but I promised dad to spend it with him and-" She halted, barely able to make herself say name of her father's new wife. "The woman who got him that sweet daughter; Julia..." A smile took shape on her face by the thought of her half-sister, who really was a cutie pie.

"Don't be mad at Tommy, it was a mutual decision to get divorced and he was lonely. You're old enough to know he needed someone to..."

"Mom!" she interrupted with just the slight hysterical tone. "I don't want to hear." she laughed, making her mother laugh as well. "Mom, I'm twenty-one, and I want a love life of my own, not hear about my father's," she whined.

Her mother laughed soft. "Get your butt over here, sweetie and I'll fix you up."

Boy, I do not like the sound of that, Isa thought. "I'll come after Christmas," she sighed, partly over the long flight, but also because she missed her mother.

"I'll e-mail you the itinerary and flightnumber."


"Don't mock me, just get on that flight and come, okay sweetie? I'll see you soon."

Isa chuckled while she said goodbye to her mother. It had been hard when her parents had split up; she was only fourteen at the time. Her mother moved back to America and she was left here in Sweden with her father. Her father had been amazing over the years and she had frequently visited her mother, but most girls need their mom close by during their teen years. As did Isa.

Luckily, Isa ended up with such low grades in English, which was ironic as she was growing up with English as a second language. This was a fortunate turn of event; she moved to live with her mother for a couple of years during high school.

Thoughts about her uptight English-teacher flickered through her mind as she walked back into the livingroom where her best friend sat.

"I'll never get use to you speaking English," her friend commented humoristic and Isa snickered.

"Wilma, how long have we known each other?"

"A year and a half now," her best friend answered. "But it's not like I have ever met your mother."

Isa laughed. "No, this has been a hectic year. I have barely met her myself."

It was the last days of college before winter break, and Wilma was starting to get separation anxiety. "Isa, do you really need to go? What am I gonna do all holiday, I can't even watch 'Possibilities' on TV." That was the girl's favorite show, and they never missed it.

Isa hugged Wilma. "You'll be fine! You can watch the first and second season over and over on DVD, honey!" She chuckled. "Or try Supernatural; Sam and Dean are hot!"

"But it's no fun without you!" Wilma whined.

"Next time I go to New York, you can come with me instead."

Swept awayWhere stories live. Discover now